
Spyral's picture
Me, I guess i'm what all the normal people call "Different" though i love to show older people that us that look "different" can still be civilized and say, Hello, Thank You, And that we'll hold a door for someone with full hands.
Other than Cooking(I'm in Culinary school right now), music and writting are my other loves. Actually they're my life. I think out of the around 300 poems/stories that i've written since i was 13 that maybe, maybe 5 are actually happy and uplifting. I'd like to be able to tell others about my life through my writting and to see if others actually understand me, and my experiances.

Spyral's Works

Poetry (Personal)2005-10-08Dredging up the Past
Poetry (Personal)2005-10-08Searching
Poetry (Love)2005-10-09Dilusional
Rant 2005-10-10Dilusional Society
Poetry (Love)2005-10-18Why don't you see?
Poetry (Love)2005-11-18Drunken Confessions
Poetry (Love)2006-01-14Mind Fuck
Poetry 2006-02-19The scent of you Lingers
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