Rants and Raves of High School Days

By l mo

Why is it that every time my life finally seems like its going alright for a change, something happens to maKe it mIserable? Take schooL, for example, I was finaLly getting good grades, I liked My teachErs, and then the stupid admiNistration had gO and completely change my schedule to "level" the classes. It's supposed to make the classes smaller, but i went from a smaller class to a bigger class!! WHAT THE FUCK!? My new biology teAcher is an old hag who's a fucKing bitch!! And my nEw teacher reseMbles a cow morE than a Freakin' peRson! I liked my Old teachers, like Mr. Fanning and Mr. Seifert, not these new crappY ones!! There's no MothereffIng way I can do good in the claSs of a teacher I don't likE! Now, I know you'Re probablY thinking thAt I should at least give them a chaNce, but there's no way! They Don't deserve a chance for messing up my Life! No one can rEplace Mr. Fanning!!!!! And on anoTher note, I think My new biology tEacher useD to be a man!, "she" looks lIke Mrs. Doubtfire!!! NO JOKE!!! And she has this weird accent, and it totally distracts me from my notes, which that word in particular (notes) the way she says it makes me go crazy! I don't know, maybe I just need to clam down and relax, I mean, it's not that bad, I only changed two teachers. But still, I don't know what I did to make whoever's up there angry, but I'm getting sick of always being screwed as soon as I'm starting to get comfortable!!!

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© 2006 german kitten
Published on Friday, October 13, 2006.     Filed under: "Rage" and "Rant"
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Comments on "Rants and Raves of High School Days"

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  • A former member wrote: I just love the way you don't even mention how well they actually teach... note the sarcasm... and if everyone who didn't like their teachers failed their classes, than alot of people would fail.

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