What Happened to my Heart?
By mywristshurt
I remember the first time you ripped my heart out.
We were in the school gym,
Everyone was there.
We were having a huge fight,
Then you broke my heart into multiple pieces…
In front of everybody.
The first sentence you said
When we entered the room
Was “I threw your heart on the ground…”
And I just knew,
My gut feeling told me
It wasn’t going to be pretty.
“I stomped on it..” was the next line.
That’s when I felt it.
Every word you said,
Was exactly how painful and hurt
My heart was feeling.
“I spit on it..” was number three.
Why you said it
I don’t know.
My mind was scattered
Because I didn’t understand what I did wrong.
“I picked it up…”
Okay, my heart can breathe
But just for a second.
I’m afraid what you’ll do next
To murder my love.
“And shredded it to pieces.”
Why did you have to have so many witnesses?
So many people
To watch my tears fall,
Just to understand?
“So here it is.”
At least I get it back.
I’ll have some time now
To put the broken pieces of my heart
Back together again.
This last part though,
Made me feel like I needed a black hole
Where my heart should go.
“Next time your heart breaks,
It crumbles.”
And that’s exactly what happened.
Comments on "What Happened to my Heart?"
On Sunday, December 30, 2007, Niemand
(355) wrote:
This made my heart hurt...-Gin
On Wednesday, December 26, 2007, italianbella
(183) wrote:
I dont have anything worthy to say this was just unbelievably incredible great write:)
On Thursday, June 7, 2007, thelostmessenger
(110) wrote:
wow i feel for you in this poem. ive been there. maybe he didnt say it, but that's exactly what he did. great write. *messenger
On Saturday, July 29, 2006, mywristshurt
(405) wrote:
well really, it was a girl who said this too me.. i used to be bi.. anyways, i know this shouldn't of happened, but that's exactly the way it did.. and to all of you, thanks for being there for me
A former member wrote:
brings tears to my eyes. girls to have fucked with my heart and emotions as guys have seem to done to you
On Monday, May 1, 2006, Dissolving Poet
(560) wrote:
I couldn't expresss what you did to me in this poem, but you did something all the same you tore at me
On Sunday, April 30, 2006, Cattarax
(211) wrote:
WOW ... you know I hate to say I know what you are talking about in this and have been through all the feelings you mention ... but Shadow is right no one deserves to feel them
A former member wrote:
god damn...kel's right, NO ONE deserves the pain of having this happen...and I knew every emotion you worded here, because I've gone through this as well. Beautifully done, painfully reminiscent. *Evangel*
On Saturday, April 29, 2006, Forgotten Angel
(309) wrote:
nobody should ever have to go through that..im sorry you did..if theres anything i can do, let me know..*hugs* this write brings back the old pains of past loves..exceptionally beautiful -Kel