gutterfuck: sticks and stones

By doll on the rag

her favorite name for me
is "cunt,"
which she spits out
at an alarming frequency

the tone depends on
whether or not she's been laid
and i've been paid

today she's loaded
to the hilt
with cheap wine:
her last fuck
runs the local liquor store
and is always short on cash

"cunt!" she calls,
preening from her porch,
swinging her payment-bottle
like she's going to pitch it

i've learned to ignore her

most days

and today was not a day
for ignoring bethany

so i pull out my ace,
my favorite sugar-sweet reply:

"well, you'd know what one looks like,
wouldn't you, love?"

this makes her flush
beneath those layers
of powdered-on chinabone skin,
turning her an odd shade
of alcohol-soaked anger

not because she likes women, oh no

bethany's convinced
she's a lesbian

but she sicks up her breakfast
every time a pretty girl-thing
slinks into her room

spends most of her working time
in the bathroom,
reapplying lipstick and stalling

she doesn't get many
repeat customers

can't imagine why

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Copyright 2005 doll on the rag
Published on Thursday, October 6, 2005.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "gutterfuck: sticks and stones"

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  • A former member wrote: That was really good

  • A former member wrote: haha my name is bethany.. and i read it the first time, and i was like "damn! name change time!!" hah. amazing as usual, lovely.

  • A former member wrote: If I may quote you.."this makes her flush beneath those layers of powdered-on chinabone skin, turning her an odd shade of alcohol-soaked anger"..those lines, in and of themselves, hold so much power..they shook me only further into this reality.

  • A former member wrote: didn't make this prettier, for the sake of eyes and stomachs, and I respect you for that..the authenticity is startling, almost corrosive..commendable series of writes, yes.

  • A former member wrote: "she doesn't get many/repeat customers/can't imagine why" was almost as if I was watching the going-on's from your brain...very very VERY well done. I commend you. *Evangel*

  • mysticventures On Thursday, October 6, 2005, mysticventures (527)By person wrote:

    excellent title - very well conceived

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