Apathy- Born Cliche
By DeprivedOfReason
How is it disillusion finds me
in every crevice of my soul
i attempt to scurry under some part of me, that perhaps remains intact
partitioned from the reality that threatens, that jades
tainted by tumultuous waves of reality,
accompanied by ghosts that swear to be friends
i know the truths that i risk to acknowledge
searching simultaneously for an essence that offers comfort
rather then brisk goodbyes.
My disappointment enflames engulfing my heart
that dwells in a microcosm of" what if's" and "maybes"
i remember this road, this loss of reason
this apathy born cliche
the inconsistency of this dream
how i always lack the courage of my convictions
driven blindly with the raging force to need
allowing loss to permeate within me, gathering a plethora of unshed tears
that have welded themselves too far too reach
dislocated thoughts, persistently play a game of merry go round within
my head
drifting forever incoherent,
but forever mine
this fading pleasure resists, even as my mind begins purging the tempting
excuses to stay
my many facades ready at hand, to place upon the innocence that trembles
weakly within this vessel
replaced by brilliant optimism that takes my hand and always guides me
through another day
Comments on "Apathy- Born Cliche"
On Wednesday, August 30, 2006, HalfDarkAngel
(59) wrote:
amazingly written. i found myself touched when I read this
On Sunday, May 1, 2005, SilverPagan
(24) wrote:
I liked this one a lot, very good write. - Silver
On Saturday, January 29, 2005, K_Love
(525) wrote:
The last line was my favorite, this was great a lot of which I have thought about myself. Where are all the comments?? I really enjoyed this, well written and well said.