Desecrated Oaths
By Lord Kalgalath
++ around text indicates the priests words heard in the background :D
+let us bow our heads now in prayer+
why am i so calm?
i should be infuriated
my blood is on your palm
a deep wound youve dealt
+may these two young people have joy and harmony+
what were the words we said
a pack of lies from your forked tongue
you are the one who broke the Vow
you are the one who lacerated our love
+to have and to hold+
now i am lost
you were always my guiding light
someone i could depend on
my love
+Dearly beloved+
still i find no anger in me
and despite your betrayal
no hatred for you
but this i cannot let slide
+Ashes to ashes Dust to dusr+
I dont taste anything in my tea
But i was hoping we could work this out
no chance, youre leaving me....
have some more tea
+We commit these bodies to the earth+
so long ive loved you
scince first we met
way back when
+and thier spirits to Heaven+
all i have ever wanted was you
everything i ever achieved was for you
you were my reason to BE
and if i cannot have you with me in life
Then let us rot in peices
Comments on "Desecrated Oaths"
On Saturday, February 12, 2005, sIo
(898) wrote:
god your work is insane. so much love....and deception. i am once again speechless.
On Saturday, December 11, 2004, Angst Queen
(370) wrote:
damn...this sends a rush of feelings into my body
On Monday, November 8, 2004, glasshouse
(530) wrote:
This was sensational! I love the ending and I love the way you worked in the priest. VERY nicely done, babe. -Glass
On Monday, November 8, 2004, NikesRain
(1240) wrote:
i liked the form of this, the calm tone throughout the whole thing. Like a factual resignation. well done indeed.
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, Malice In Wonderland
(976) wrote:
I'm not sure what to say, I can't describewhat runs through my mind as I read this hon. wonderful work to say the least... Kya
A former member wrote:
Eerie. I like the 'I don't taste anything in my tea' idea as well as the together dead or alive idea. Great piece. ~Ship!
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, Alacer_Cogitatus
(140) wrote:
well done. A_C
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, Dommi
(95) wrote:
Ouch.. I'm glad to see a new post by you.I've missed reading your stuff.. This was well executed, but painful at the same time. The priest lines were a good touch.. nice work dahling.
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, mysticventures
(527) wrote:
oh that was well done - excellent format too!
A former member wrote:
lush and shadowed, well put together, the whole priest thing before the verses really ticked well in my head. good stuff.
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, elisa
(1595) wrote:
intense dedication.....reminds me of 'All Of My Love' by Led Zep....with this kind of love i would live forever:) elisa
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, Zhee
(529) wrote:
dark and powerful... i loved the concept and structure ... great write...
On Sunday, October 31, 2004, Sin
(1135) wrote:
wow...very bitter and dark, nice ~kristy