Song of the Siren
By LoneWolf
Pleasant dreams, my sweet
Hear my song, my call
Let my voice draw you
Betwi'xt the rocks of safety
'Cross't a sea of desire
To the isle of sirens
My sisters and I entreat thee
To allow us our pleasure
And fill your every whim
If only, sailor,
Should you flee your boat behind
And sit upon the shore
With me awhile
Sure am I
Will you have no inclination
To return from whence you came
Should you come to me
And allow me to satiate
The appetites of many
Upon your deliciously
Desirable flesh
Oh sailor, you are weary
Let me relieve your tension
And remove your anguish...
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Copyright 2004 LoneWolf
Comments on "Song of the Siren"
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On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, Artanis
(56) wrote:
hmm...a poem that speaks for itsself...well done.
On Tuesday, December 21, 2010, DarkDruidess
(313) wrote:
What wonders poem of the day brings up....lovely.
A former member wrote:
Fine work! Sweet song :)
A former member wrote:
I also love mythology, it's all like a Real fairy tale. You know, i might be confused a tiny bit about it, but this IS a song of a siren as far as i know. Your good at discribing characters...Goood JOb!
On Monday, May 31, 2004, LoneWolf
(33) wrote:
Just thought I'd ought to mention, I'm a BIG fan of mythology and mythological history (the Illiad and Odyssey are great!) ~*~LoneWolf~*~
A former member wrote:
you think you needed to itterate that further for this piece? it's a good piece but talk about overstating the obvious