

singed- burnt lips, & beautiful.
I ran in the night & caught the
wind under my wings.
he called for me, breathless
cold faced & anticipating.
but i was too far away to hear.
whispering. with a mute grin, stumbling towards
the sound of waves.
every thing's blue, like your eyes
when they close.

the stars are burning out.
as you turn over. in your sleep.
you always turn over.
bleeding the dream out.

even without wings, i'll fly away.
even without wings,
i'll find you someday.


is this what you've worked so hard for?

maybe i wont. maybe i wont.
you cut & i stumble.
maybe i'll bleed the rest out.

close. my. eyes .x

blood splattered on the ceiling.

blush- like a thousand
pink doves ~fluttering across my cheek.
but you always turn over. /turn over.
& ...
i bleed from every wound.

i want to say {KISS ME}

:she's come undone: they say
every great story, has its tragedy.

leaving shriveled memories
that turn to dust
and sparkle in the wind.

burning like _the sky.
clouds fluxing.
dangerous girl.
turning up the sheets like
the sea at storm.
& you asked me if i felt faint when i saw the blood.

lips gave me their last taste of blue

september falls with the last bitter minutes of twilight.
your eyes open. unblinking.

and i smile, while running through the darkened streets.
scattered puddles glowing silver, then black under my feet.
the hum of the world. numb hands.

i reached out to touch your face, before i left.
your mouth was cold.
your hair hung, like lace trim }I{ around you.
sand under your fingernails
& little flecks of blood.

your wrists looked red; burned. rope still hugging.

FLASH TO: running through the rain

red. seeping through the lines on my skin.
FLASH TO: the way my hair kept getting in my face.
FLASH TO: kissing you.

kisses seem distant. maybe you're off thinking.
no more stars in your stare. and your dreams-
are dripping.
all over the floor.

whats that you say?
i cant hear you.

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Copyright 2004
Published on Tuesday, March 2, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "no.wings"

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  • Cassette On Monday, November 13, 2017, Cassette (1087)By person wrote:

    beautiful... wish you'd come back.

  • A former member wrote: I guess you're gone too, damn I've been away too long.

  • A former member wrote: Beautiful.... honestly beautiful... nothing that I could write... this is... amazing... Honestly I love it... It's... perfect (: Keep up the amazing work. You're awesome

  • Railway_Butterfly On Wednesday, October 13, 2010, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    i must have read this many more times than i'd realised.. it's certainly been a while, but as i was reading this again it literally felt so familiar i could've sworn i'd written it myself if i didn't know better. i hope you realise how beautiful this piece is, i can honestly say i will never forget it.

  • A former member wrote: it stared with words turning into a mini movie that was just epic!! '..bleeding the dream out '..blushing butterflies..'..lace trim..'

  • FallenSky On Sunday, June 28, 2009, FallenSky (42)By person wrote:

    "even without wings, i'll fly away. even without wings, i'll find you someday" That's an amazing line, this whole piece left my head swimming with images... amazing!

  • Tania On Wednesday, April 4, 2007, Tania (192)By person wrote:

    such talent.. amazing and beautiful.

  • A former member wrote: Beautiful write

  • blue On Thursday, August 11, 2005, blue (1409)By person wrote:

    *head swimming* This has more meaning to me than you could know.. I am at once speechless and awakened to thought! Thank you. ~b

  • Railway_Butterfly On Thursday, August 11, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    and secondly because I came here wanting to let this piece spill over me.. and now I have, I feel the need to tell you again how beautiful and moving this piece is.. but I don't think theres any more I could say that I haven't already..

  • Railway_Butterfly On Thursday, August 11, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    I hate that I was the last person to comment on this. For two reasons. One.. because it should be read by every single member on this site. And more. Over and over..

  • Railway_Butterfly On Wednesday, April 27, 2005, Railway_Butterfly (353)By person wrote:

    I'm still hopelessly in love with this piece.

  • A former member wrote: amazing... wonderful imagery. I loved it... its going on my favs ~*Serena*~

  • blue On Sunday, November 28, 2004, blue (1409)By person wrote:

    I'll never be amazed at how some people can take a thought and carry it so far! Applause! I bow to you. B

  • A former member wrote: Wow. The way this evolved...into the piece that it's just astounding to watch your words move.

  • A former member wrote:'s made me spee-TYPE-less.

  • A former member wrote: "no more stars in your stare. and your dreams- are dripping"...such a great line. I love the imagery of the whole piece...really clear and clean in each line

  • WinterGrave On Sunday, April 11, 2004, WinterGrave (258)By person wrote:

    most enjoyable read, i loved it.~~~Grave

  • flying_fox On Sunday, March 28, 2004, flying_fox (571)By person wrote:

    I really like the storyboard-type format... such vivid images. The opening stanza had my mind running free and feeling wonderful, and you so effectively changed this around as I continued to read. Amazing work. Fox

  • Bella Butchery On Saturday, March 20, 2004, Bella Butchery (696)By person wrote:

    kisses and murder... i think you are really talented, and you inspire me everytime i read your work to cut deep with my words... i love you

  • A former member wrote: 'the darkened streets. scattered puddles glowing silver, then black under my feet. the hum of the world. numb hands.' FLASH TO: 'no more stars in your stare.' cinematic. divine chop cut film-edit feel. flow. perfect juxtoposed rhythm. in numb winds.

  • A former member wrote: FLASH TO: 'burning like _the sky. clouds fluxing. dangerous girl.' hummms... beautiful. wet glitter. like television w/ soul. '& little flecks of blood.'

  • Six-Out On Tuesday, March 2, 2004, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    Dear always leave me...just unable to think. Astounding.

  • Demosthenes On Tuesday, March 9, 2004, Demosthenes (155)By person wrote:

    what he said. *has no words, as usual* -B

  • KittyStryker On Tuesday, March 2, 2004, KittyStryker (710)By person wrote:

    lovely as always...

  • A former member wrote: The images I get from reading this are stunning. "your dreams- are dripping. all over the floor." All your works make for amazing reading. ~Wish Upon A Star

  • purr_verse On Tuesday, March 2, 2004, purr_verse (1052)By person wrote:

    beautiful; as Twilight said, passionate...intensely so... I love the filmic qualities woven throughout; the visuals rendered so vivid. fabulous work. purr

  • A former member wrote: 'love the filmic qualities woven throughout; the visuals rendered so visual.' my. how you make readiNg comments like film paintings & poetry... you iNspire me. drowned.

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