A pagan thought (or two)

By LoneWolf

RANT - FEB 26, 2004, 8 pm PST

If you're hardcore Christian or some other religion I suggest you leave, I don't trash religions period but I know that at least a few of you will try to make it sound that way. Maybe the way you were taught. I don't know, don't know as I want to either. This is just a rant, this is all opinion, so if you have something negative to say DP mail me or back off.


In my own pagan way, I think that I really have had enough of the ignorant people that think they're always right. I've been tempted to become a Buddhist (not that I haven't already adapted some of their beliefs to my Eclectic Paganism anyway) cause they [quite rightly I think] believe that all paths lead to the same end. It's all about balance. You don't have to be perfect (Gods only know if that was the case I'd be fucked hardcore) but you don't have to be a total mofo either, just find a balance in the middle. Help the world but help yourself too. If you can and you want to do something to help the environment so that it lasts for your kids and your kids' kids and all that shit, but don't waste your life worrying about it.

I am not perfect, but I am not evil. I'm a Witch, yeah I fuckin' said it you got a problem with it come talk to me, but I am NOT a devil worshipper. I mean, how the fuck can you worship something that you don't even believe exists? It's next to impossible ain't it? I don't put down other people's religions, even though I've been through mormon, I've been through catholicism, I've been through baptist. I don't put these down cause I think they ought to hold up their own words ("Love thy neighbor as thyself" or "Do unto others as you would have done unto you") instead of this fucking "Do as I say and not as I do" attitude. Sometimes, I feel like Christianity is a nice idea - but just an idea - it's not more than that cause there ain't enough true Christians in the world to make it more than an idea.

I think people ought to just lighten up. Especially about things that they don't understand, ignorance gets you no where. Period. Ignorance is what killed a girl called Tempest Smith, because people are scared of things that they won't understand. And because people don't know that the word "convert" has no use at all, since you can't actually force someone to convert, they choose to change their attitudes and minds and then it's not converting at all. Duh.

I talk too much. I'm going to take an aspirin and go to bed. I have another long day at work tomorrow. Ciao.


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Copyright 2004 LoneWolf
Published on Thursday, February 26, 2004.     Filed under: "" and "Rant"
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Comments on "A pagan thought (or two)"

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  • MidSummers Eve On Thursday, September 22, 2005, MidSummers Eve (38)By person wrote:

    "Sometimes, I feel like Christianity is a nice idea - but just an idea" personally i agree, i tried to state some of the same instances, but i think you do a better job than i ever will, so i said good-bye to my rant and hello to yours

  • InquisitiveSpirit On Wednesday, July 27, 2005, InquisitiveSpirit (10)By person wrote:

    The funny thing is that wiccan came before almost all of the religons of people who call you witch. They don't realize that theyre own religion is just a broken down and changed form of wiccian. That, my friend, is what you call irony.

  • Aethelwyne On Wednesday, June 22, 2005, Aethelwyne (51)By person wrote:

    I am wiccan raised catholic. My family mocks my beliefs and their ignorance has brought them to despise me. It hurts when they call me a witch just the way its said and how they laugh.

  • peril_notion On Saturday, June 11, 2005, peril_notion (87)By person wrote:

    Nothing I could say would do justice to this. So I give you my support with each and every word. Very, VERY well done. ~Heather

  • MyScarsStillBleed On Thursday, April 7, 2005, MyScarsStillBleed (16)By person wrote:

    I've read a lot on Tempest Smith and I agree with what you're saying here. I respect anyone who has any religious faith as long as they really believe what they claim to believe and don't disrespect me and my faith. *Pagan and Proud*

  • Circe Avalon On Saturday, September 4, 2004, Circe Avalon (115)By person wrote:

    The words have never been spoken truer by older and wiser, I rally with you in the fight againist religous persecution, I have had bullshit thrown at me and I don't care to dignify their remarks with a response. Go sister!

  • A former member wrote: Oh my , my thoughts exactly, nice to see more veiws out there are similar!

  • A former member wrote: i agree with you TOTALLY -hugs-

  • A former member wrote: To each his own.+T.P.U+

  • LoneWolf On Thursday, March 11, 2004, LoneWolf (33)By person wrote:

    I agree. If everyone in the world believed the same, you know what a boring place it would be??? ~*~Lone Wolf~*~

  • Drea On Tuesday, March 9, 2004, Drea (1388)By person wrote:

    Hell yeah! I agree with you 150%. I have so much repect for someone that can speak their truth and back it up. I applaude you. You are now one of my heros. Hold me. *giggles*

  • The Fallen Angel On Tuesday, March 9, 2004, The Fallen Angel (234)By person wrote:

    yes, speak your mind! Very few can write their opinions and back it up without looking like an idiot.+fallen one+

  • flying_fox On Friday, February 27, 2004, flying_fox (571)By person wrote:

    bloody good rant Wolfie! Respect for you all the way...and love your disclaimer at the top. FF

  • A former member wrote: Yeah. I agree. It doesn't matter if you talk to much, keep it coming! ~Wish Upon A Star

  • A former member wrote: I can't say that I disagree with anything in this rant. Right fucking on...mostly follows my thought pattern.

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