By Commander_Cadaver
Lured in by promises of riches,
Of well paying jobs,
Or simply sent to learn,
The castle was always thriving.
Thriving with souls of the young
Girls that have hopes
And dreams.
Dreams of a better, richer,
Brighter life than the poor
Lives that they were used to.
All of these young girls had
But so did she.
Dreams of unthinkable atrocities
That no one should have
Haunted her nights,
Sometimes even her days.
Haunted her until she acted upon
One of those dreams.
With help of a close servant,
She had a young girl
Escorted to her chambers
And pulled out some needles.
The young girl had no idea what
Lay in-store for her as the needles
Were shoved deep under her nails.
Oh how the Countess laughed
And laughed during her twisted
And perverse act.
She suddenly craved more.
She suddenly craved...all of it.
Dreams were now their only escape
From the pain and torture that
They were exposed to.
Some now only dreamt,
No longer breathing.
No longer resembling what they once were.
Flesh bitten off.
Red hot tongs were placed
Onto bare flesh only for
The young dreamer to be submerged
Into freezing water.
Hands mutilated until they no
Longer could perform simple tasks.
Some were left to starve
Or left to freeze to death.
But her favorite was covering
The young in honey
Then dumping live ants onto them.
Oh how she had wave after wave
Of insane pleasure rush through
Her body as the young dreamers
Screamed and screamed.
Some of the young even
Had the pleasure of
Being killed at the Countess'
Various properties throughout
The land.
Dreams were no longer escapes
From this vicious reality.
Dreams were now filled with
The Countess and her lustful torture.
But...dreams can come true for some.
The Countess was apprehended
And put on an exhausting
Dozens and dozens
Of people testified just to lock up
This monster that was once human.
She was found guilty of numerous murders
But yet, was spared a public execution.
Instead, she was bricked into a tower
And was left to spend the rest of her
Inhuman life there...
Author's Note:
"My soul to peace or Hell for company..."Comments on "Dreams..."
On Sunday, October 20, 2019, Samael Crowe
(173) wrote:
"Forever severed from the thrill of coming night, Where slow death alone could grant her flight..." I'm always glad to find someone who likes CoF! Looking forward to the re-mistressed Cruelty and the Beast. Now back to your poem: I like the raw descriptions you used in this work. It felt fresh and original, you stayed true to your style and I like your take on the subject of the Countess. Keep up the great dark work!
On Sunday, October 20, 2019, dwells
(4177) wrote:
Men usually, through history, have done such according to legend. Enjoyed the "Female of the Species" slant you gave to this (perhaps Kipling was right?). Cheers my friend CC - Dan