...Loves Hand...

By ToxicLove

..The last thing I remember was feeling loves hand reaching into my chest clutching my heart
..And then I climbed inside myself looking for redemption; a place to restart

..Clawing and gouging, I screamed and pleaded with my soul to set me free
..But lost inside my fear and anger, I thought my freedom wasn't meant to be

..I could feel my breathing becoming shallow, my soul was empty from despair
..My heart was cracked deeply from this disaster, my life destined to end without repair

*** Restart
*** Repair
*** Rebuild

..My eyes lost focus, tears lined my face, the war raged on but I just wanted to end the fight
..The moonlight shined from high above, the stars were shining bright

..And then like the sushine warms your face when the light meets the horizon come morning light
..In the distance I could hear laughter, I could feel love, my eyes began to open, my daughters were there in clear sight

*** Restart
*** Repair
*** Rebuild

..A rainbow formed across the sky my devastated body lowered it's shield
..My heart and soul came together, I was released ~ time to rebuild

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© 2008 ToxicLove
Published on Monday, July 28, 2008.     Filed under: "Personal" and "Poetry"
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Comments on "...Loves Hand..."

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  • Gray Vision On Sunday, June 6, 2010, Gray Vision (424)By person wrote:

    Alot of what you write is raw, heartfelt emotion. I've also come to notice that experience plays a vital part in the process of you writing your poems, which really reflects in the line after line of imagry and emotion. I respect what you're doing on here, sharing works such as this with us, personal indeed. Great write and thank you for sharing =)

  • elisa On Monday, July 28, 2008, elisa (1595)By person wrote:

    timeless dedication ..coming full circle. beautiful.

  • Withering petals On Monday, July 28, 2008, Withering petals (65)By person wrote:

    Dawn will bring the light - and in the aftermath we can breath, reflect on yesterday, and build tomorrow - heart felt write, thank you ~Downstream~

  • A former member wrote: really,really enjoyed this, so familiar,..and the beauty of it from a personal view ...is that i CAN read it and appreciate the WHOLE story...hence the last line,...I waited so long for that last line, sometimes thought it wasn't coming,..im faving this through super attatchment..thankq for submitting.

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