walk in the park
By freudian-slip
I can feel my hand begin to cramp
as I crank the oversized
monte carlo window open
Sand beaded sweat
attempts to release out of my overheated
high school pores
all of the life sustaining moisture
is nowhere near my head
and my Jim Morrison sits right beside me
driving way to fast
he's pretending to be completely laid back
but I notice the nail chewing
between suggestive glances
it matters not
where we were headed
but he's a closet romantic
who packed a picnic
I'm thinking
how far could this park be planted
and this unbearable heat
is making my teenage makeup
start to melt
unlatching the seatbelt
headed to the perfect spot
I envision
might harbor shade
think again
as he trails off into the blaring sunshine
marking his territory
lays the blanket on the ground
as I lay down next to him
this rocky terrain
grinds happily along my spine
suddenly his lips press so hard
while pianist fingers play upon my sunburned skin
becoming perfect
until the moment when I'm sure
we should seek out some privacy
but our breathing exchange
is cutting off oxygen to the brain
He's completely hard pressed
against my heart
and our scattered clothes become part
of the foliage
nature's sounds
and lover's calls
begin to drown out
exposures worries
even if just momentarily
that day
that park
was rightfully
I really miss my Jim
*Scott Houston 1967-1992*
Comments on "walk in the park"
On Tuesday, May 15, 2012, ArcticWolf999
(53) wrote:
Memories never really die. this is simply beautiful and heart touching. Thankyou for sharing this memory.
A former member wrote:
Gorgeous memoir. Masterfully expressed. This is heartfelt and soul~penetrating. Well done. *heartclick*
A former member wrote:
great memory reflected beautifully, he'd be proud.