Fun with Mr. Pencil
By Efamilia
Hi, my name is Mr. Pencil, and no, I’m not an alcoholic.
I’m just depressed. And I’m here because I need to get a grip, and
not a pencil grip, although it has been a while since I was held correctly...
hmmm, maybe that’s for another time...
Why am I depressed? Well, you see, my poetry’s just not the same as it
used to be. Don’t get me wrong, I’m still sharp and all, I just don’t
have a rubber anymore. Everything was going great, we had a beautiful relationship,
I’d make mistakes and she would take care of them. But then the arguments
started. It was always MY fault. She kept saying my constant screw ups
were wearing her down. She said I was like a stain on her white purity,
and every night she had to rub herself to get me off. Well, I got news
for you, bitch, you never once got me off! A friend of mine got me into
liquid paper, but that just got me high, then all I wanted to do was make
origami birds...
Who cares now, why’s it matter, she left me!!!
Ok, so I had her bitten off! She had it coming, she was always rubbing
me up the wrong way. It was cramping my style.
Speaking of cramped style, what about those ball-point pens?!?! They think
they’re sooooo good, and they’re always making fun of me. They keep
saying things like “you always crumble under pressure” and “you’ve
got no balls”. Yeah, well, you know that saying “that’ll put lead
in your pencil”? They were talking about me, baby!!! How do you like
them apples?!?!!
Now you’ve got me started, what about this whole writer’s strike business?
All of a sudden I’ve got Mr. Parker and Mr. Papermate ringing me up at
all hours of the day and night looking for a handout! Yeah, well, fuck
‘em! You never wanted to know me when you went to America, to make it
in the big-time! Honestly... Papermate... more like kiss-ass! Apparently
he even tried to hook up with one of those fancy laser pens. You know,
the ones that come with the new electronic mouse pads. Stupid fool actually
brought cheese to the date! And they call us losers?!?!
As for Mr. Parker, well he’s one of those red-blooded ones. You know
the type, arrive in their own cases, only come out for special occasions,
need a ruler just to stay straight. I always knew there was something shifty
about him... Sneaking out in the middle of the night, prowling around the
office looking for helpless pens to attack and stealing their refills.
I once had a friend who lost seven refills. It all became too much and
eventually he couldn’t take it anymore. He became tormented by feelings
of inadequacy, until one day he snapped. He threw himself off the desk
and rolled under the tea lady's trolley. I’ll never forget that day.
The terrible sounds. Jamming of wheels, cracking of plastic, not to mention
the smell. That horrific smell of melting plastic, as cup after cup of
scolding hot coffee fell from the trolley. I guess I should be grateful
for all the top marks he gave my work and understand that his refill was
nearly run out, anyway.
Wow, I can’t believe it, I’m actually starting to feel better. Writing
always was my best form of therapy, even if it does wear me down. Anywho,
that’s about enough from me. Thanks for listening! I don’t like to
be blunt, but I have to go now... I think I feel a poem coming on...
Until next time...
“Stand up for your writes”
Mr. Pencil
Comments on "Fun with Mr. Pencil"
On Monday, December 12, 2016, carlosjackal
(2787) wrote:
Funny, witty, whip smart and intelligent work that's an absolute joy to read from start to finish. There feels like there should be a sequel, somehow, some way and not necessarily about Mr Pencil although maybe he could play a bit part.
On Thursday, September 15, 2011, Nameless Pariah
(126) wrote:
This is different from any other poem on here. That alone makes me like it. It was crafty, brilliant, and humorous. All in all, excellent! I only wish I could bookmark this work. :D
On Wednesday, September 14, 2011, lupus tenebrae
(860) wrote:
Wow, I'm impressed with such story driven use of personification, and the puns always win me over. Top marks, thank you.
On Wednesday, September 14, 2011, Dei
(663) wrote:
clever. I especially liked the part about the relationship with the eraser going bad.
On Wednesday, September 14, 2011, noniceguy
(4) wrote:
How refreshingly original. I love anything that can make me laugh so good. Thank you.
On Wednesday, September 14, 2011, ColorMeToxic
(238) wrote:
This was super funny. I loved it. Congrats on POTD! :)
A former member wrote:
woah... i think i would want to meet him. it was really fun reading this!! my first like!
On Tuesday, January 22, 2008, Mistress Shadow
(249) wrote:
Well done. I truely enjoying read. ~T
On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, Distorted_Reality
(100) wrote:
haha well written...and had me laughing...nice ^_^
On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, Bella Butchery
(696) wrote:
different, unique to other posts for sure
A former member wrote:
humorous and witty. I really like it :)
On Wednesday, January 16, 2008, Niemand
(355) wrote:
Brilliantly done!-Gin
A former member wrote:
very heart felt. ~ hdb