Comments by All Members

  • "I dig it, very compelling argument. I especially liked your points about how much safer it is when its legalized, as it is in Europe and here in Australia. I would still say that most people in the prostitution industry would prefer doing something else"
    Posted by Unknown on "The Politics of Lust: Prostitution Undressed" by KittyStryker
  • "Ouch. and the very filth in the unfaithful touch is sometimes all that's left between the skin and open wound. This cuts deep."
    Posted by Alanarchy on "tongue-tied" by KittyStryker
  • "I so badly want to comment on this.. but, I fear I can't find anything to say that isn't going to sound annoying and insincere and like an exact repition of what Kristie has said.. meh. I'll come back to this.."
    Posted by Railway_Butterfly on "tongue-tied" by KittyStryker
  • "Its far too comon for someone to simply use something has a replacement. People using other people in such a manner is deplorable, but it makes me chuckle seeing has it doesn't even phase you."
    Posted by darkdesires on "the break-up" by KittyStryker
  • "*frowns* be turned to in order to take away someone's pain of losing's enough to make one realize what they do or don't want from love. *Evangel*"
    Posted by Unknown on "the break-up" by KittyStryker
  • "I think this is probably the first poem on here that I've found...that I can 100% relate too. This is exactly how I feel about one of my ex's. "
    Posted by LovelyAssassinx on "the break-up" by KittyStryker
  • "try as we will to disconnect.....there is something very personal about throwing ourselves on the alter of sacrifice.......if only our discarded carcass reaped the benefits of the spiritual blessing"
    Posted by elisa on "the break-up" by KittyStryker
  • "Of all of yours that I have read, it is the straightforward, blunt approach to writing that pulls me in for more.. and leaves me somehow.. unfulfilled.. like feeding an addiction in small doses.. it's amazing..where was I? extremely well written."
    Posted by Unknown on "tongue-tied" by KittyStryker
  • "I agree with Exodus. Sensuality in all it's quivering glory, belongs to you. left me all warm inside. Second stanza... owns me, entirely."
    Posted by Alanarchy on "knives" by KittyStryker
  • "I like the way you wrote this though the concept makes me sick. Seems like any time an advertisement like this pops up the final conclusion is "You're depressed because you're different, just get rid of your individuality and you'll be fine. Act "
    Posted by Unknown on "self esteem! (now in 5 fantastic flavors!)" by KittyStryker
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