Comments by All Members

  • "Thank you for commenting miss Caitlin. We all can surely benefit from 'uplifting' from time to time right? Glad you liked this one............................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Unexpected turn of Events" by Peyton1
  • "Your comment is very kind miss Morgana, I do certainly appreciate it. This one was a depression that nearly claimed me, I'm still not sure I made it completely out. A part of me didn't, I know because it's still missing. If heartache was a job title, I for sure would get the position! I have plenty enough experience for it anyway, aah it's not important. Thanks for commenting on my work, I had a lot more on here until I deleted about 25 of 'em. Talk to ya later................................... ~ACE~ "
    Posted by Peyton1 on "'Leaving Hope' behind..." by Peyton1
  • "This was so wonderful crafted. It flows beautifully as if the words just came crying out...the format so natural and so powerful to your words. Every image was so vivid that it seemed to twist my heart to the rhythm of your words."
    Posted by MorganaRose on "'Leaving Hope' behind..." by Peyton1
  • "Thank you Darkisses for reading and for the comment. A great thing to find indeed, or at least that's surely how it seems.....but this fantasy is never to be fulfilled, as well none of the other nice dreams..... Fate has dealt my final hand, look at that, not even a pair to be seen................................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "Really beautiful... It's a great thing when we find that special one to share our life :)"
    Posted by Unknown on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "And happy 4th of July holiday wishes to you too! I hadn't heard from you in a while now.... Been wondering how you were doing. Thanks for dropping by, ttyl :) .......................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "Steady and true....... yes ma'am, a curse I have tried multiple times to rid myself no avail, sadly. Hey, I just described my entire life, "to no avail", I think I'll have that tattooed across my forehead. Thanks for the comment miss Kendra, always a pleasure my dear.......................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "I love the repetition of the heart, and I love the 3 am/ dream inspirations. Very sincere penning. You are certainly a man that keeps his focus steady and true. :) thanks for sharing and for commenting on mine. !! "
    Posted by blue angel on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "Deep devotion...indeed, the kind that won't go away. I know you can relate to that, and I greatly appreciate your comment. It means allot.................................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "Dreams are the poetry of the mind. This is a very heartfelt piece. A very deep devotion to someone special. Excellent. Later -"
    Posted by Sean Mc Shane on "You're My....." by Peyton1
  • "Thank you for the comment, glad you enjoyed my little story. I kind of put my own twist and added a little plot change thru my inspiration from the Disturbed video 'The Animal'. I do like to twist a story. Thanks again,,,and welcome to DP..................... ~ACE~ "
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Forbidden Delight" by Peyton1
  • "That is quite an awesome comment, thank you much Haunted. It seems the darkness keeps pulling at me, figured I may as well write about it. Glad you liked it, I'll be just to right of the gates....look for me, I have tickets for some of the best seats! HaHaHaa.................. ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Forbidden Delight" by Peyton1
  • "hell yeah, this is my kind of poetry. ill be the first in line at hells gates to be blessed in her darkness. this is just to cool, your dark muse payed off because this is really good. a great story, i was hooked on your first stanza and on. and although this queen of hell is evil, shes just as beautiful in all her glory. awesome poem peyton!"
    Posted by haunted on "Forbidden Delight" by Peyton1
  • "But what if we come to find out there are NO things meant for us? Then what? Thanks for the comment dude..................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "OMG, I just noticed as I was about to go away from the page, thank you so much for the bookmark!! Words just can't say it, so I won't make them do an epic fail by trying.........................."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "I Wonder....." by Peyton1
  • "Thank you much miss Kendra! As I read your comment, I litterally envisioned a cork popping from a champagne bottle..... and we all know what champagne usually causes........ Thanks a bunch always for your kind comments................ ~hotrod~ "
    Posted by Peyton1 on "I Wonder....." by Peyton1
  • "It looks sexy in black... :) That last line pops the cork.. Glad you posted it here! Nice ink, hotrod*"
    Posted by blue angel on "I Wonder....." by Peyton1
  • "Thank you Nett, I'm glad you like. I have this one posted on another site as well. The ending was inspired by...well...let's just say it was inspired... :) Color of the day, Navy blue.............. ~Mike~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "I Wonder....." by Peyton1
  • "Thanks for the read and comment, I agree with you on most of it. Ahh but, when it comes to the shower scene you have much to learn, grasshopper! For you see, if I were allowed to be there to smell her hair as she steps from the shower, I would already know all the other secrets that my heart desired.... yes? Yes....indeed!"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "I Wonder....." by Peyton1
  • "Quandaries that I ponder on most days myself although the answer to the water thing is most of that water is very salty. Freshly washed and wet hair is a wonderful smell on your lover but of the things I wonder about when it comes to a woman in the shower it isn't hair, lol."
    Posted by Alchemist on "I Wonder....." by Peyton1
  • "Thanks miss Lydia for such a kind comment! Your words do not go unnoticed, I assure you. I am a very emotional creature, when my heart spews its pain onto a page you can believe it's real. Sometimes you have to look below the surface as well, I tend to hide things in the there... I am flattered, that you are impressed of my work. Again, thank you.................. ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "My Heart Cries Out" by Peyton1
  • "Acrostics, so far as i have seen, are particularly to pull off without coming across as cliche. You have pulled it off brilliantly however..and even managed a pretty flawless flow. I am impressed. Your content was lovely and intelligent. I very much enjoyed his."
    Posted by Lydia Jade on "My Heart Cries Out" by Peyton1
  • "You have always been able to read my poetry exactly as I meant it. It only took your breath because you were able to climb inside my heart and feel what I felt when I wrote it. Wow, I should really shutup now..... It's an uphill climb and I can't see the top, yet I climb, because somebody said there was one....................... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "My Heart Cries Out" by Peyton1
  • "Thank you for taking the time to read my latest attempt at poetry, Meagan. I am pleased that you like it. Being a Virgo, I am quite an emotional individual. I think some people don't care for that so much. I connect with things differently than most. Anyway, thanks for your comment, I cherrish each one............... ~ACE~"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "My Heart Cries Out" by Peyton1
  • "Omg! I stopped breathing briefly, and found myself at a struggle for air. I love how your title bleeds into your poem, literally spelling out,, my heart cries out. Mike, you are special to me and please... I've said it quite often now, "take care of you." ...hugs so tight that he gasps for air... "
    Posted by soul_versing on "My Heart Cries Out" by Peyton1
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