Comments by All Members
- "Excruciatingly painful and poignant. Hoping you find some peace, eventually. You're contrition will be added to the scroll - Thanks."
Posted by dwells on "Reality" by TheCreepIngCrow
- "while reading this, i imagined hearing it in a coffee shop, which is ironic because i was drinking tea..... but anyway, it has a very soothing rhythm but with disturbing meaning. very nice :)"
Posted by serenesavage91 on "Reality" by TheCreepIngCrow
- "This is absolutely beautiful... So ksimple yet perfect! Haven't seen something so sweet in a long time..."
Posted by Devilish on "Who Am I?" by TheCreepIngCrow
- "Short but still quite intriguing. You could have done more with the idea but it's a good start. Welcome to DP. I hope you continually grow from here. "
Posted by With love_Crow on "A Scented Hate" by TheCreepIngCrow