Comments by All Members

  • "very nicely writen and the meaning is convaded well. i love the line, "From the ashes rises chance; hope of future yet unknown". well done indeed and it is beautifull that the beauty of nature caused such a change in you *bows* "
    Posted by Aurora_Light on "The Light of Wisdom?" by BlackBear
  • "This is a true story. It happened last night, February 18, 2006. This may very well have been the last day of my life, until a falling star, in and of itself, changed the path of my thoughts. - Michael"
    Posted by BlackBear on "The Light of Wisdom?" by BlackBear
  • ""What I express comes from deep places hidden" i do not doubt this forgive me if that's what you mistook from it. I'll leave this alone and save myself the embarrasment of not having the words to explain what's going through my head"
    Posted by Unknown on "A Memory on the Wind" by BlackBear
  • "You know, where psychologists fear to tread . My thanks for the comments. I look forward to writing here for a long time. - Michael"
    Posted by BlackBear on "A Memory on the Wind" by BlackBear
  • "I've been writing for years, and have lost volumes of work. Underlying emotions are too shallow for me. What I express comes from deep places hidden."
    Posted by BlackBear on "A Memory on the Wind" by BlackBear
  • "*sigh* *shakes her head and smiles* ya know...*smiles* inspite of myself i like this. I respect it for it was obviously thought about before commited in pen...but inspite of my natural born cynicism i sorta enjoy the innocent hope you dispaly"
    Posted by Unknown on "A Memory on the Wind" by BlackBear
  • "tragic... and trembling; i like the how you can actually taste your writes.. ~ness "
    Posted by Unknown on "Dance" by BlackBear
  • "[sigh] such a slicing surrealist.romanticist breath of life you are/pen.. . [and HOW did i miss your grand entrance??] you wirte with the decadence of thoreau shadowed like poe.... gorgeous ~ness"
    Posted by Unknown on "membership submission - The Pit of Her" by BlackBear
  • "poignant precision... liquid flow and imagery; please stay awhile :} ~ness"
    Posted by Unknown on "Perfidy" by BlackBear
  • "=) Minimalistic excellence here, most certainly! Welcome to DP. ~b"
    Posted by blue on "Perfidy" by BlackBear
  • "I also live by this saying... "You can't make someone love you." They love you or they don't. I wish I could give you a big hug right now, this will have to do. *hugs* Stay strong. Love, Julia~"
    Posted by TaintedButterfly on "My thanks to you..." by BlackBear
  • "My heart breaks for you dear one. :( I wish I could help you to erase it all and start anew, but we know that could never happen. You will always have my support, given it isn't much, nonetheless I give it to you."
    Posted by TaintedButterfly on "My thanks to you..." by BlackBear
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