Comfort (Mature Content)

By darkdesires

WARNING: The following work is intended for readers that are 18+ and may contain material not suitable for everyone. Those readers who might be easily offended or upset by reading sexually deviant works I suggest not read my work.

She sits on the bed an arm wrapped around the tops of her knees, back pressed up against a row of pillows and the headboard, eyes welding with tears has she sobs silently. Her black curly hair is half covering her face sloppily. He walks up to her and even with his average build and no obvious muscular appearance she cringes back in complete fear of him. He is fully dressed in jeans and a blank black shirt while she was wearing a tattered loose shirt and a pair of cotton panties that seemed old. He examined her body, it seemed frail and battered. Covered in scrapings and varying bruises, a tragic beauty he couldn't help but think.

He sat on the bed next to her and moved slowly, but it still frightened her despite his attempts. A few strokes through the top of her matted hair. "You seem so frightened" he said softly with a strange smile playing on his lips. She can't even speak her voice is frozen and her body feels stiff, but regardless of it she gives a slow single nod. He wonders to himself if it is him she is frightened by, if he was the one to do such things to her, if he was enjoying it, so many thoughts running through his head. She whimpers and pushes her body has far back as possible, his hand was traveling up her thigh.

He looked at her in confusion; "Is the little fucking slut afraid?" he asks such devilish confidence in his voice. His hand is raised up and her hands ball up and cover her face instinctively, his hand comes down fast and stops caressing her cheek. He brings his lips next to her ear and begins to whisper into it; "You don't think I'd hit you do you?" his soft voice piercing through her. She shakes every part of her screaming to get away, or maybe its screaming has if to wake from some sort of nightmare. Her mind and body are too scared and confused to even manage any simple response. The only thing to come from her lips is a small whimper set of whimpers.

His hand moves deeper though it’s not cold it sends a deep shiver through her body and spine. He grabs her inner thigh tight and moves it closer to her, his hand inches before her. Despite her fear warmth was pouring from her and he could feel it. It drove him to madness just feeling it, smelling the fear, her body shaking, never before has such an exstacy passed through him. "I'm going to fuck you, I' going to hurt you" his voice paused for a moment his word sinking into her brain and before they could echo he whispered again. "I might even just kill you, why the fuck not? You're not even fucking worth life and I'm going to defile its entire purpose"

She began to cry tears streaming down her face, sobbing uncontrollably, on hand trying to push him away the other trying to cover her face. Her head jerks to the side suddenly has his fist connects to her cheek. He punched her, and a hard punch at that. A small amount of blood seeping from her lip. His hand grabs her face a thumb on one cheek the other fingers gripping her other cheek, and has he grabs her he slams her head against the bed back board hard. Her head hits with enough force to crack the wooden back board and she stops gasping for a deep breath. He bring his face up to hers and he whispers to her "I'll fucking kill you now if you make another sound" he says his other hand holding her neck.

He gets off the bed and takes off his shirt and pants leaving just his boxers. He has scars all over his chest, his sides, his left arm. He climbs back on the bed and spreads her legs grabbing at her panties and pulling at them lifting her off the bed a bit and tearing them has he pulls them off. He can feel her heat pour from her even stronger. He moves back and grabs her by the ankle and drags her back she grabs at his and tries to kick him away. He punches her in the stomach knocking the fight and the wind out of her. She can't even catch her breathe before a second punch lands on her cheek again. "You want to die you fucking slut? Ha, you haven't earned it!" he yells at her. He grabs her by the face and grips it tight hurting her. She whimpers and he loses his temper punching his hand pushing it down hard and breaking her nose.

Her face is covered in blood has she starts to silently cry. Before long she feels him enter her and even though she knows to move away, she doesn't. She knows he'll hurt her again. Why do I care she asks herself, he is going to kill me, I don't want to die she thinks to herself. Her body loosens up and she grows quiet, let me die she tells herself. He thrust upon her repeatedly watching her with a growing disappointment. "You're going to take away my fun are you?" he says angrily. He swings at her side and she wails out in pain while he smirks. She starts crying harder with every thrust and he finds pleasure has she does. She quakes and is wet despite the pain and displeasure.

"I think your pussy likes it." a cocky grin playing on his lips he smacks her hard and she screams out. He laughs hearing it "Thats right cum for me." he screams out feeling himself about to climax. He laughs has he continues on a stead pace to thrust faster "I bet you would love my cum inside you, wouldn't you?" She cries again thinking to herself yet again make it stop make him stop, let this be a dream, something, anything. Her body jerks upwards and she feels him orgasm inside of her. He keeps inserted while he cums letting her feel every drop squirt inside of her. He pants a little sitting up and pulling out of her.

She crawls back to the bed headboard cowering over. He smiles and stands up holding himself. "Awe. You think I'm done" he said laughing. He pisses on her head letting it flow down past her cracked lips and even on her hands covering her face. She shrieks because the urine stings her open sores, and he punches her in the head to quiet her so that she finally loses consciousness. He goes to find his pants and pulls out a small four inch blade with a teethed blade, flipping it open and guiding his thumb over the serrated edge. He jerks his hand and stabs her thigh twisting the knife a bit and almost immediately she comes to, jerking awake screaming out in pain. "I bet you knew I was going to kill you." he tells her softly.

She cries in pain and terror, her pupils dilated with fear. She squeaks out a light "Please," the only plea she can muster to save her life. She is so weak she can hardly even speak. He laughs in response and kisses her lips stabbing her above the belly button and dragging the blade down a few inches as the blood pours like silk down her porcelain flesh. "I've probably pierced your stomach. Acid will eat at your insides and spill has you bleed. It'll be the acid, the blood loss, or maybe you'll drown in your own blood." he tells her in a calm yet thrilled voice. He draws the knife and stabs her in the vagina leaving the blade inside of her, walking out of the room. His only thought being 'Such a shame, that was a little fun'.

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© 2006 darkdesires
Published on Wednesday, December 20, 2006.     Filed under: "Erotica" and "Short Story"
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Comments on "Comfort (Mature Content)"

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  • Deaths Apostle On Monday, October 5, 2009, Deaths Apostle (65)By person wrote:

    This Was an Amawzingly Fucked up Story...Props

  • A former member wrote: This was very sadistic, but beautifully written.

  • Moonflower On Monday, July 2, 2007, Moonflower (298)By person wrote:

    this chilled my bones.

  • A former member wrote: that was the sickest write I've read so far,really+-(

  • The Crimson Queen On Saturday, January 20, 2007, The Crimson Queen (917)By person wrote:

    Gawd, I'd almost forgotten how fucked up you Love it!

  • Kinkypoptart On Thursday, January 18, 2007, Kinkypoptart (555)By person wrote:

    This blew me away, baby. This is probably one of my favorites u've written. :) So violent and twisted, a few parts made me cringe a little, but thats what good writing is supposed to do, right? Love you pooky bear. :) -Kinks-

  • Mahakala On Thursday, December 21, 2006, Mahakala (207)By person wrote:

    I've read this a few times before but I didnt leave a comment becuz I didnt want it to sound stupid... but wow... I luv how wicked and twisted this piece is... keep up the great work... *hugs & kisses*

  • Aunty Depressant On Wednesday, December 20, 2006, Aunty Depressant (423)By person wrote:

    Oh, the instensity of the objectification in contrast with the great sufferering of the victim. The callous disregard, even glee of horrific impending demise represented, yet you write so well of her longing to die, to end the suffering...but still to li

  • Aunty Depressant On Wednesday, December 20, 2006, Aunty Depressant (423)By person wrote:

    live she pleas. A definite rollercoaster, especially with sexual desires, and inabilty to stifle the body's response...made me cringe.

  • Aurora_Light On Wednesday, December 20, 2006, Aurora_Light (472)By person wrote:

    *hugs you close* you know my yeah... the work is amezinly well written. good detail and yet not too much leaving the reader to fill n the rest

  • Dissolving Poet On Wednesday, December 20, 2006, Dissolving Poet (560)By person wrote:

    O_o that was fucking incredible.. I was kind of frightened though of the abuse I started crying a half way through.. But it was amazing d.. you did incredibly ~Mirrored

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