
By veingo

I don't know how, or why,
I feel this same chill,
nearly every night.

It comes on strong,
as I lay you down, and then,
turn down the lights.

I guess it takes a child's life,

to clear a child's mind.

Now I can see that most of this world,

should be hidden from your eyes.

My children,

I am a child.

I don't want to let you down.

My children,

I am a child.

Tell me how to make you proud.

I guess it takes a child's life,

to clear a child's mind.

There's so much of this world,

I want to keep out of my children's lives.

And the child cries.

Mother, why didn't you
protect me more?

Father, you should have dragged me back inside,
and locked the door.

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Published on Sunday, October 16, 2005.     Filed under: "Personal" and "Lyrics"
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Comments on "Man-child"

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  • blue On Wednesday, December 28, 2005, blue (1409)By person wrote:

    wow! that gave me shivers!!! You rock man! most definitely.. ~b

  • A former member wrote: ..and i can barely type SHEESH :}

  • A former member wrote: ...i dont know how i missed this on forst perusal throough your works. ..but it casts such an ominously true and woeful weary shadow; as a parent, it b.rings both dreams and nighhtmares. . .excellent and provocative ~ness

  • veingo On Sunday, October 30, 2005, veingo (526)By person wrote:

    I updated it just befor posting. To include all my kids.

  • veingo On Sunday, October 30, 2005, veingo (526)By person wrote:

    I wrote this The day I became a father. It's amazing how your veiws of the world can change in the blink of an eye.

  • MESUN On Sunday, October 30, 2005, MESUN (230)By person wrote:

    wow. really good, really fucking good. so, are you the child, or are we all all?

  • A former member wrote: this almost made me cry..such truth and beauty in your words. the ending was absolutly heartbreaking. wonderful job.

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