Moral Question
By wandering druid
I don't know if this has already been discussed, but I would
just like some clarification.
Why is it okay to put a deathly sick dog to sleep and call it "humane"
because you put it out of its misery, but if you did the same thing to
a terminally ill human, it's considered murder?
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Copyright 2005 onelastbreath
Published on Tuesday, May 24, 2005.
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On Saturday, November 12, 2005, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
i question the same thing, it's a very touchy subject...many believe ending any life is murder that it also applies with capital punishment, the reasoning being is that what right do we have as a society far from sinless to be condemning someone
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
just as imperfect. to me euthanasia should not be condemned if the person to commit it is given consent be it from the patient himself or relatives, it should not be a question of resources or worthlessness, (which are rather inhumane reasons)
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
but rather hope or whether it is more just to end the tortuous suffering they have to endure, which in itself is inhumane. I sometimes disagree with many religious groups when it comes to labelling complicated issues such as these without thinking
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
of the actual people involved and affected-the patients, it would be the same for stem cell research in the aid to find cures for those people subject to life in wheelchairs and disability...but the dilemma occurs when people realise that all life
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
is precious. it is now becoming a question of whether whose life is prioritised. the unknowing patient vs the masses from which 'resources' will be drained from or the embryo that will never simply be given a chance to live according to law
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
in order to cure an adult. it would be nice to have both religious doctrines and medical laws converge in agreement, but i doubt that'll ever happen because in the end they are rewritten by man himself.
A former member wrote:
Because if you start to put a "deathly" sick person asleep it might happen that the next person is no more so sick - do you understand what I mean? So then it might happen that it becomes just a way to get people out your way =)
On Sunday, October 30, 2005, Wolk
(54) wrote:
Own race is more important to keep alive than an animal. Butting one that isnt needed to sleep is humane because than i would be around our streets. And thats what humans dont like. And besides like the bible says: Animals dont have a soul.
On Monday, November 21, 2005, Serenity
(469) wrote:
Besides, Animals do have souls. They're living creatures.
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, wandering druid
(78) wrote:
What about those to whom the bible means nothing, to whom the pages are like any other book devoid of divinity? Does your argument still stand?
On Saturday, November 12, 2005, wandering druid
(78) wrote:
An elderly person is no longer able to work. Does that mean that since they produce nothing, their lives are worthless? Should they not be killed "mercifully" so that they do not place a drain on resources?
A former member wrote:
because conservative christianslike to get uptight about anything.
On Monday, May 30, 2005, AngelicDemonMelisandre
(26) wrote:
Did any of that make sense?
On Monday, May 30, 2005, wandering druid
(78) wrote:
It makes as much sense as anything else in this screwed up world...possibly more so.
On Monday, May 30, 2005, AngelicDemonMelisandre
(26) wrote:
Mainly in the end they try to justify it as "right and wrong" when the justification is strickly for the opposers conscience, they want to make themselves look good. It's all for that persons outward apperance and they're personal power ploy.
On Monday, May 30, 2005, AngelicDemonMelisandre
(26) wrote:
I also think that many people question others motives just for the hell of it, they get a kick out of making other people feel inferior or question their decisions.
On Monday, May 30, 2005, AngelicDemonMelisandre
(26) wrote:
I agree with TheUnluckyOne. People in the world have such a complicated moral code, some people are against the death penelty but then are in agreeance when cops shoot down a suspect.
On Tuesday, May 24, 2005, LovelyAssassinx
(151) wrote:
Thats a good question...I think people think of themselves more highly then animals. Its pretty stupid though, I know exactly where your coming from. ~Unlucky