Your Eyes
By Labitina
Your eyes so deep
Like pools of dark evil
Which I plunge into
Sinking, drowning
Your eyes are cold
So emotionless and dead
They promise me only pain and death
There is a cruel amusement in your eyes
As you stand there watching me die
Your eyes seduce me
Luring me in
As you look deep into my eyes
I feel you searching deep into my mind
Your stealing my soul
Your taking control
I feel so helpless under the cruel control of another's will
You awaken an anger, a darkness, a fear inside me
I feel only a black rage building inside me
You release a dark power in my heart
You tear apart the doors I had safely locked
Uncovering the mysteries of my mind
Uncovering things I had wished to keep to myself
Your eyes are like daggers
Cutting me inside
Spilling my vile ebony blood
Revealing the midnight hue of my heart and soul
You bring out the demon in me
You see the crimson glow of its eyes from the shadows
Beckoning it out from its eternal hiding place
You tempt me to release it
You increase my hate
You cause my twice fold the pain
Trying to make me let it all go
Taking me deeper into your eyes
But all the while blocking me from seeing the real you inside
Now I'm so lost in your evil eyes
I know they will be the source of my demise
I remember when I used to look in your eyes
I saw only brown beauty and a gentle soul
I saw only what I wanted in you
I was blinded to everything by my love for you
But it was all just a clever trick
A cover to hide the true blackness of your soul
Now I search your eyes desperately
But still I can find only your cruelty
Though through all this
I still want everything I see in your eyes
I love you only more
Through all the darkness and the pain
Through the cold, hard, heavy rain
Through my anger, and my fear
There is one last door that you haven't come near
A door you never found
I kept it to concealed
So you could never find it on your own
If you ever asked me to open it
I wouldn't deny you the right
But just to warn you beware
For what you might face
For among other disturbing things
If you look deep, you would see
A mirror image of your own eyes hidden in me
Comments on "Your Eyes"
A former member wrote:
you think that when you read a poem titled your eyes it would be cliched and already overdone, but this wasnt. very well done
On Friday, September 23, 2005, AngelicDemonMelisandre
(26) wrote:
Wow. I am just speechless. I started reading and it just pulled me in and before I realized it I had read the entire thing. Wonderful. I love it.
On Wednesday, June 22, 2005, wandering druid
(78) wrote:
Amazing. Quite the enchanting piece of work..I like it.