Darkness Walks
By Savannah
A pale faced beauty turns around,
She picks up on the rhythmic sound,
Of dinner's footsteps on the ground,
With unsuspecting ease.
A cloak as black as darkness gets,
Her fangs are sharp, her lips are wet,
Ready to pounce, her target's set,
Through starving eyes, she sees.
He walks alone, so unaware,
Of the danger that is lying there,
Her evil presence in the air,
The hunger, she must please.
What succor she will finally taste,
His struggling heart will start to race,
And splash more blood onto her face,
She'll send him to his knees.
Movements silent in the dark,
She tracks her victim's pulsing heart,
She begins tear his flesh apart,
And feed among the trees.
She drops the body at her feet,
His struggling heart no longer beats,
Into the dark, she must retreat,
Before the darkness leaves.
With help from Sleepwalker - thanks,babe
Comments on "Darkness Walks"
On Friday, May 6, 2005, Kinkypoptart
(555) wrote:
Wow. Such an amazing write. I felt like I was right there. It definately painted a picture for me. Great write ~*~Tart~*~
On Thursday, November 11, 2004, purr_verse
(1052) wrote:
Nice horror, nice cadence! Beautiful slice of darkness.
On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, DarkWolf
(415) wrote:
Wicked and Dark.. I so love this one. Powerful imagery.. "Through starving eyes, she sees" what a fantastic line. Favoring this one. -michael
On Wednesday, September 29, 2004, WinterGrave
(258) wrote:
oh wow, this was beautiful...dont know what else to say. most enjoyable read.~~~Grave
A former member wrote:
Panther? or something else, it really doesn't matter your rhyming verse was close to perfect and the poem itself was as beautiful as I've seen in a long time
On Thursday, September 2, 2004, Savannah
(218) wrote:
Vampire - Thanks for the comment!
On Wednesday, August 25, 2004, lordshadow
(153) wrote:
Just wanted you to know that so far... you are my favorite. Don't know what, if anything that means to you, but it's true. Please don't stop writing.
On Saturday, August 21, 2004, mysticventures
(527) wrote:
yes!!! vividly real to me! was that my heart you took?
A former member wrote:
I bet this would be damn good put to the right music.
On Friday, August 20, 2004, Soulseeker
(108) wrote:
Vivid and has a good writing scheme!! Bethany