Scrapbook of You

By TornPaperDoll

I thought about you again today
And I realized that I never
Threw you away
I still hold all the things about you
Here inside my heart
Like a scrapbook of memories
That I put together part by part
I sorted through the pages
With pictures of you an I
In some we are laughing
And in others we cry
I love them all so dear
But I tore them all in two
Because it’s just too hard
To keep these feelings of you
I dusted out the pages
Of the dried petals that remained
I kept them so that I could
Still have flowers when it rained
And all they did was remind me
Of just how good you were
And I thought for a moment
Maybe one day you’ll leave her…
But I keep forgetting
And my mind is getting off track
I’m supposed to be getting rid of you
And never looking back
I threw away the sample
Of your cologne that I had
That sweet smell of purity
That never could go bad
I threw away the snip of a wing
From the butterflies you once gave
And how every time I saw you
They flapped their wings in rage
I threw away the kisses
That you blew me when you left
I kept so many of them
Because they were always the best
And emptied out all my pages
And left them all bare
But someway, somehow
I still felt you there
A little piece of you remained
In a small and thoughtful way
But I didn’t get rid of that
because i still hope you'll come back one day..

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Copyright 2004 TornPaperDoll
Published on Sunday, February 15, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Scrapbook of You"

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  • MorganaRose On Wednesday, October 31, 2012, MorganaRose (74)By person wrote:

    Saying goodbye to someone you love is always hard...but you put it beautifully into words. My favorite "I dusted out the pages Of the dried petals that remained I kept them so that I could Still have flowers when it rained" This stanza reminds me how certain things can always bring lost feelings back to life. This is a excellent work.

  • Kainoa On Friday, February 17, 2006, Kainoa (20)By person wrote:

    I also relate to this...My boyfriend/husband and i just got inot a big argument about one of his exes that he still keeps in touch with. everyone says they started meesing around again and when i asked him to tell me the truth he said he didn't NEED me an

  • Kainoa On Friday, February 17, 2006, Kainoa (20)By person wrote:

    and that he was moving sucks, but anyways, great write

  • Beautiful Scars On Tuesday, April 20, 2004, Beautiful Scars (175)By person wrote:

    oh wow..You have on of my old poem from my old accounts as one of your favorites..thats cool..

  • Beautiful Scars On Tuesday, April 20, 2004, Beautiful Scars (175)By person wrote:

    This is so sad..To have some one you love betray you for some one else..this is very well written, i feel your pain. -fairy-

  • BoldSolitude On Wednesday, March 3, 2004, BoldSolitude (214)By person wrote:

    I have tried a couple of times to write a similiar poem but was never happy with the outcome. You said it perfectly, once again the ending rocked.

  • Emptyness Inside Me On Sunday, February 22, 2004, Emptyness Inside Me (171)By person wrote:

    Out of all your poems, I like this the best, I can relate to it, plus it has a great rhyme scheme and excellent structure, very amazing poem, Bravo ~Emptyness~

  • A former member wrote: you have such talent. i can relate to many of your peices. awesome write. =) ~lys

  • LovedByAMiracle On Sunday, February 15, 2004, LovedByAMiracle (51)By person wrote:

    wow. you're pieces are always easy to relate to which makes them very appealing. you are so talented, im adding you to my favs.

  • physicalgraffiti On Sunday, February 15, 2004, physicalgraffiti (56)By person wrote:

    Awesome piece- i can easily relate- and when readers can relate it shows the sign of a true poet- - in my opnion

  • A former member wrote: Really nice. I can relate. Its like that evanscence song My Immortal that i play over and over.... same emotion.

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