St. Something
By Kovine
God of misremembered sentiments
God of easier times
God of when everyone liked each other
A dead god
Pious in his own right
Remembered, but no longer worshiped.
I remain faithful and devout
And god looks at me and tells me
I can only bring you sadness
But I look back at god
And smile
And say
That’s okay.
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Copyright 2023 Kovine
Published on Thursday, January 5, 2023.
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Comments on "St. Something"
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On Wednesday, January 11, 2023, LIFEINVADER
(278) wrote:
A hard metaphor of simpler times, but also an acceptance of the reality of today, the difficulty of the current time and the sorrow that it may bring. I loved it!
On Monday, January 9, 2023, SolApathy
(652) wrote:
Great write., makes you reflect on the importance of your personal beliefs. Hold them true and never let anyone take them from you.