I've lost my muse

By Shikiryu

I dont know what to write!!!
my muse has flown the coop,
She's left me to handle mad metaphors chasing swift similes.
I have writer's block, my mind is truly void,
Random lyrics apparate into my mindscape...
To get cursed into oblivion by the conjurer of boredom.
My mind is empty,
I struggle to find some form of poetic coherence,
To bring order to the non-existent chaos.
I grasp at straws, clutch at cliches,
I try to use awesome, alliterated assonance, pooled with mumbled metaphors and satrical similies...
To no avail.
This all sounds scripted,
Like lines from a shoddy Elizibathan play.
I dont know what to write!!!
I'm like a anguished kaleidescope of emptiness,
In turmoil with nothing.
My muse is gone,
Leaving me...... Here...
Alone... Misunderstood....
I can't even end this neatly!
Is this the end???

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Copyright 2015 Shikiryu
Published on Friday, November 6, 2015.     Filed under: "Depressed" and "Poetry"

Author's Note:

I really need help
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Comments on "I've lost my muse"

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  • Cattarax On Sunday, August 4, 2019, Cattarax (211)By person wrote:

    When this happens read!! Words can be very muse.ical ~*Cat*~

  • Shikiryu On Monday, August 5, 2019, Shikiryu (68)By person wrote:

    icy what you did there

  • A former member wrote: A smooth flowing choice of words.. I read this out loud to myself and found myself mesmerised by the sound. Very nicely done, I do agree that writers block is somewhat of an annoyance.. We all will experience this sometime during our time.. I sometimes struggle to find the words to describe the way I'm feeling. Or even better yet, finding a suitable name.. For the most simple things are sometimes the hardest. Great job though, I genuinely enjoyed this.

  • TropicalSnowstorm On Friday, November 6, 2015, TropicalSnowstorm (1580)By person wrote:

    Well done! I enjoyed this and I think most writers have been through this at one time or another. Ciao, T/S Scholar

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