fire in the rain

By FadedBlues

fire in the rain

there is a rain that scalds you like liquid fire.
it is flung from the broken skies as if the gods
themselves were in fear of it. only fools would
challenge its wrath. fools like me.
there is a desire, relentless, that consumes me. desire
for a woman, a dark-haired woman, whose eyes haunt
me even in my sleep. in every moment of my agony, I
require her smell, the feel of her trembling flesh under
my hands, the taste of her mouth & every inch of her form
that I must chew like a rabid hound.
I pace my rooms, my cage, until that demented lust compels
me to attack the thunderous night, & I run to your little house,
the maginot line of your resistance. in the beating rain & the
saturated earth I stand. my t-shirt & khakis are inundated, so I
rip them off & feed them to the wind. my canvas shoes are
removed & tossed away. the wet ground grips my feet, intent
on dragging me to hell.
I stand there naked, unarmored, in the driving rain, & I see you
behind your window, your face confused, yet aware of my madness.
‘come out!’ I shout in my anger, ‘come out!’
you hesitate briefly, then remove your robe. nude as a newborn
savage, you are an earthbound goddess. Aphrodite of the mud.
you rush into the bruising rain, the cleansing rain, & we are
wrapped in each other.
our lips & tongues eat wet kisses. we are welded, each upon each,
flesh upon flesh. & the burning rain be damned, as it immolates us.
two lovers, one pillar of fire…
fire in the rain.


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Copyright 2013 FadedBlues
Published on Wednesday, September 18, 2013.     Filed under: "Graphic Art"
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Comments on "fire in the rain"

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  • BlackVelvet Rose On Wednesday, September 25, 2013, BlackVelvet Rose (175)By person wrote:

    tis sensual and uninhibited... yet with a feeling of resistance... your words amaze me... Scholar

  • FadedBlues On Thursday, September 19, 2013, FadedBlues (2097)By person wrote:

    Kendra, Sean, Dev, thanks for visiting. naked lovers in a driving rainstorm: how sensual is that...

  • Devilish On Thursday, September 19, 2013, Devilish (2634)By person wrote:

    Fuck me!!! damn! i can't tell you how many times you render me speechless. i love the hell out of you faded.. Scholar

  • Sean Mc Shane On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, Sean Mc Shane (607)By person wrote:

    I'm desperately trying to remember how that feels. A hard hitter here. Nice one man. Later -

  • blue angel On Wednesday, September 18, 2013, blue angel (866)By person wrote:

    Sizzling in the rain... fire courses through their veins , captivating, blues* love it :)~

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