Fate of Friendship

By darling93demon

 we met through song.
like a perfect melody,
we flowed together so simply...
simple but strong.
You looked past my scars
and staright to my soul.
a perfect pair in paradise
never to be pulled apart.
as thick as thieves,
a flawless match.
You, were my best friend.
You accepted my flaws as founders.
They were only stains on an old pair of jeans,
built up by time and the many falls to the dirt.
But still jeans all the same.
I wasnt just a pawn on the chess table,
i was the queen, sworn to protect her treasures at all costs.
You saw me for who i was,
and you loved me for who i was'nt.
You stood by me in any storm,
like a strong oak tree over a precious home,
you refused to let a little rain bring you down.
You filled a void in my life,
a void that you couldnt possibly understand..
You were everything to me,
i called you my brother,
the third of three musketeers....
but then came the fourth.
and you fell in love.
You were never the same.
Like a siren on the sea,
she consumed you.
and hypnotized by her, you surrendered.
she was now your life.
and you made no room for the likes of me.
i was simply "somebody that you used to know".
....How could you even ponder the thought that i was to blame?
that i was the so familiar stranger.
No. it is you that changed.
Your the one that left.
and i remained abandoned. 
once again...
left to rot by someone i held so dear.
i never imagined it would end like this...
you said "forever".
and like some little girl in love,
i believed you.
You mended my broken wings,
i prayed you would be a friend for life...
but as always
i let my hopes soar too high...higher than my small arms coudl reach.
are you truly going to be happy?
with only her by your side?
i loved the both of you,
you were both friends of fate,
but it was a fate that fatally fell, and never stood again.
now...you seem to be just a pleasant dream..
one that seemeed so real.
and i find myself wishing i hadn't been rudley awakened.
but i was shooken and emerged from my slumber,
to see clearly.
that You, ..... were just a dream....
our everything... was just a lie.
one that went undiscovered for far too long.
you ripped out my beating heart and threw it away..
just like everyone else.
"in the hearts of the blind something you'll never find is a vision of light".
those lyrics ring so true.
you were once so strong, but now...
your just a coward.
after all we had been through,
you just walked away for no justified reason.
you think for some stupid reason,
that you must CHOOSE between your best friend and girl friend... of 3 weeks.
when i fell you were always underneath.
now i fall to the cold ground...unprotected.
i will never understand the spell you must be under.
what wicked witchcraft this must be.
something so strong that it takes control
of your maluable mind and corrupted soul.
i pity you. honestly. i do.
how could i not?
its just second nature to feel sad
when you see a small mammal being choked by a snake.
but what can you do?
stop it and get bit? what are my options.
i guess i will let fate take the wheel, 
because its clear, that i cannot drive.
but you will always be on my mind.
all our memories. all our laughter....
it plays constantly in my head,
like a song that wont run its course.
all the late nights. the hugs. the nicknames....
but in all reality,
panda's, grizzly's, and polar bear's dont get along....
how silly of me to dream.
to actually think i could have a friend like you.
but thats just it.
it was no more than a dream.
you no longer wish for my love or friendship.
and so it shall be.
have it your way, twisted face of the past.
you have gotten your wish.
i will leave you alone to do as you desire.
just always know,
that you brought me back to life, 
you made any day shine brighter.
i will always love your memory.
i will always love that dream..
it will always remian in my heart,
....where i thought it belonged.

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Copyright 2012 darling93demon
Published on Sunday, July 8, 2012.     Filed under: "Personal" and "Poetry"

Author's Note:

there are many song lyric quotes in this. they were all from songs that meant a lot in the friendship. dedicated to Mike D.
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Comments on "Fate of Friendship"

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  • haunted On Monday, July 9, 2012, haunted (838)By person wrote:

    well hello there darling! its been awhile. when i was reading this i got the impression that he was your rock. and my advise to you is when you have a rock and it goes flat. you take it to some water like a calm lake and you take this now smooth rock thats got a new purpose. you think of the good times and the bad, all the memories. and you carefully get that perfect angle and throw it at the surface water and watch how many times it skips and how cool of a throw you made. and as it sinks so does the rock. and the funs over, its gone. find another perfect rock and just be aware that this next rock may get tossed as well. because people come and go in our lives. some are worth saving and some are not. maybe when your older someone will give you a rock that will dazzle like the stars.....i think thats the rock you should keep! very nice and an amazing poem! its good to see you darling!

  • darling93demon On Monday, July 9, 2012, darling93demon (81)By person wrote:

    haunted!!!! i missed you! and thank you for the advice. you are dead on the mark. and i will be back posting more very soon, just have to upgrade my account. i ran out of room :( but thank you for the support like always :)

  • Dominic On Sunday, July 8, 2012, Dominic (53)By person wrote:

    This is amazing. I rreally feel for you. People can be so fickle when it comes to love. I'd say your friend will return to you at some point, I wouldn't think it's over forever. It's never the same though. Sometimes three is a crowd and someone gets thrown away - no matter how deep the bond. It's happened to me. Awesome, honest and heartfelt piece. Fantastic. Thanks.

  • darling93demon On Sunday, July 8, 2012, darling93demon (81)By person wrote:

    Thank you Dominic. But at this point in my life, i dont think i will let him back in. He actually attempted to break me and my husband up last week. But thanks non the less!! :D

  • dwells On Sunday, July 8, 2012, dwells (4211)By person wrote:

    Remember the good times for memories are indeed our treasures, and so good to see you posting again!

  • darling93demon On Sunday, July 8, 2012, darling93demon (81)By person wrote:

    thanks dwells. and i need to upgrade my account. i ran out of works space :( Jack (aka my poetry book) is getting quite full. cant wait to have more spots to post :) and i will

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