worth the risk
By Evil Ash
bombs bursting ,a lone man runs threw the rubble ...fear grips him as death
squads search the wasteland for remnents like him...he was a commander
in the old world ,of which nothing remains ...this is thenew world now
...what the powers that be have brought ...mega corps now rule ,and human
life is boughtand sold like stocks fromanother time ....rushing threw the
rubble he dodges the squads like so many
times before....careful
not to alert the other scavengers that make there home in this place ..a
packag he carries clutched close to his heart ...a clearing is ahead
.....pausing he trys to calm his breathing ....hearing his heart beat
pound in his ears ,,,he bolts acrossthe clearing ...bullets whine and whistle
past his body leaping over a broken wall he rolls and waits ....the firing
stops ...now he says and starts to run through the broken buildings and
zig zagging through the destroyed city he makes sure he is not followed
.....after hours of false trails and side roads and false
he arrive s at hisdestination ....lifts the ripped sheet metal cover and
unlocks the door hidden beneath the rubble ...crawling in he carefully
engages the traps and coverbefore closing the door ...he turns and lights
a lamp .....walking slowly he moves into the space ,down a halll,turns
left ,then right ,moving forward hereachs a door ,light spills from beneath
the door his hand pauses at the handle ...he
composes himself and
opens the door ....stepping in his eyes are met by a woman whos beauty
makes his heart
ache shes holding a small bundle that apon hearing
the door starts to move about and cry a sound that bringsa smile to his
face ...as he move closer she smiles and there lips meet with a kiss and
he looks down atthe bundle and moves the cover to reveal the angelic face
of a baby ...his baby ...and he pulls the packagefrom his coat and turns
to the woman ...and says ...happy birthday love ...and hands her a small
bundle of flowers ...her eyes go wide and tears fall ...she says why? why
would you risk your life for this ?....
his reply is only to smile
and say
you are worth the risk ............