This is New
By Doc
This is new
It has been much time
Since the powers that be
Let me feel this way
After so long in pain
So long without the simple compromise
That would free my soul
Something has changed
For the time has passed
These lsat few years
When a mystery has tormented the spirit
I looked for God
Looked very hard
I thought I found in his chosen church
I left if angry and dissatisfied
I looked for it in the sweet ramifications
Within the yard stick of civilization
But I could not drink away all the pain
No, not this time
I could not find love
Which is everlasting
Love which shakes empires
And moves mountains
I haven't found it still
But something has changed
I still feel T.S. Elliot in my head
Searching for God
He found it
I have found something else
As like lightning struck within me one day
As if the topless towers of what little genious I had in me
Have been born again
I don't know
I don't know why
And I don't know for how long
But something has changed
And I think I finally
Be Ok