I'll show you psycho
By alaskanamber
Some people would say they hate you,
I'm much more reasonable than that.
To me hate is as much an action as an emotion.
And to me that's a waste of my energy,
to make the effort to hate someone as useless as you.
Action would be me wiping that smirk off your face.
Emotion is the grin on my face as I delete you from memory.
To some I seem psycho. To most I'm just practical.
I'm too lazy to hate, too bitter to love.
So I just exist, this plane another path to the next.
The next life full of liars and haters.
Maybe I'll never learn to speak,
So I can't tell them how much I pity them.
Maybe I'll return as the spider in your bed,
crawling into your mouth at night,
ripping out chunks of your flesh with my jaws.
Maybe I'll come back as a dolphin,
just to poison that designer sushi you love so much.
Think of me as you hurl your black soul into the sewage system.
Cause that's what life is, a sewage system.
Where the planet hurls away it's spirit, it's soul.
Poisoned by a race of haters and liars.
One of these days the planet will flush the handle,
Watch us spin down the drain,
And I will never have to look at your face again.
Comments on "I'll show you psycho"
A former member wrote:
I love the sentiment throughout this!
On Monday, May 11, 2009, alaskanamber
(64) wrote:
Rereading it I see some flow issues I might work on but thanks
On Saturday, April 25, 2009, Riven Waker
(317) wrote:
this is pretty merciless - i can't stand liars either lol - killer piece
On Tuesday, April 21, 2009, Organized_Chaos
(9) wrote:
Right On! Umm, I hate spiders...
On Tuesday, April 21, 2009, alaskanamber
(64) wrote:
My spider has artistic license :)
On Tuesday, April 21, 2009, ApathysKiss
(377) wrote:
i didn't know spiders had jaws i thought they had pincers. hmmm
On Monday, April 20, 2009, alaskanamber
(64) wrote:
Well thankyou ORioN. I haven't been here in over 2 years and I was hoping this would make an entrance :)
On Monday, April 20, 2009, IAmNorge
(38) wrote:
amazing, the way you wind your words together to achieve your desire in the poem is outstanding, it seamed to flow from one line to the next without lag, very good and you have captured my interest