Comments by All Members
- "I am quite taken with your style of writing.. it's increasingly captivating and the contrast of such final words as these with the almost light-hearted delivery is somehow delectable. I cannot explain it rightly, but appreciate it. Clever, oh-so clever."
Posted by Unknown on "The Hunger" by Ablebody Peckawood
- "*smiles* Catchy comes to mind, yes.. this brought a smile to my face because.. well, it was like an announcement over loud speaker.. and it was spoken to me, in that way.. crackly reception and all. Well written. "
Posted by Unknown on "My Bitter End" by Ablebody Peckawood
- "right the fuck on. though short, this was definitely not sweet. The content is brutal and raw; I could hear this, like thunder building in my head. Deliver the message, man. "
Posted by Unknown on "American Dream" by Ablebody Peckawood