Comments by All Members
- "Yes! YESSSSSSSSS! I love this... Your pace your pace! I love the spoken word beauty that emerged from your work. This is excellent...."
Posted by Mute Serenade on "origami itself" by AniDayz
- "This is brilliant. I love the pace and movement this piece creates. It takes on a life of it's own as you read the words. Your letters dance."
Posted by Mute Serenade on "hypothetical hue" by AniDayz
- "That's what it's all about, right there. Stop seeing the illusions taped and pasted onto our reflection in the mirror. Tear them off and what's real lies beneath. So beautiful, this reality you see."
Posted by syzygy on "me vs." by AniDayz
- "This was an amazing surprise. I haven't read anything like it, full of color and ethereal genius, with a myriad of sensations and blistering thoughts. Congrats."
Posted by Nimue44 on "" by AniDayz
- "* in the presence of the present presenting herself*... great line in a great piece of self discovery... thanks for sharing-knight"
Posted by knightmirror on "me vs." by AniDayz
- "wow--- a psychotropic pretty poem. it fills in all the spaces in my head quite nicely. and i love the title. thanks."
Posted by Unknown on "arch" by AniDayz
- "i really thoroughly felt thoughtful in this write. felt myself thinking and wondering. expecting it to rise me. thanks."
Posted by Unknown on "three.moonbeams" by AniDayz
- "Damn! I've never came across your profile and for that i apologize... How lovely it is to read!!!!"
Posted by Devilish on "content.ment" by AniDayz
- "damn but it feels good reading your words again, its been 3 or 4 years but you still make me stumble and fall before your poetry"
Posted by Tonights Decision on "content.ment" by AniDayz
- "the lack of appreciation here is abysmal...I rememeber when AniDayz would post the whole of DP would light up...your works have that Metaphysical connection; that elusive binding of corporeal and incorporeal....or abstract with concrete; they always helix into miraculous dances with imagery, range and language; and then prism into exploding rainbows of thought and sights...such a talent you wield; shame it's gone so underground...once again"
Posted by stryder on "content.ment" by AniDayz
- "there is nothing that can describe the magical delirium of this, blindingly profound, your works always find the threads connecting this world and other worlds, all encompassing insightfulness, this contentment is the marvelous."
Posted by Unknown on "content.ment" by AniDayz
- "This still amazes me every time I read it. It inspires a moment of silence and a deep calm. Thank you."
Posted by Blood Saga on "" by AniDayz
- "Oh wow. I'm am not ashamed to admit that I stood up and read this as if I were performing it. It just flows that well, and if I had any more room on my favorites list I would put it there."
Posted by Blood Saga on "" by AniDayz
- "Always a pleasure to read a post of yours...This poem of yours was especially outreaching to me and exceptionally graspable and well articulated. I am very familiar with your subject matter and it seems that you brought another element into this poem. I always pick up on the internal struggles revolving around existentialism but the personal relationship with another brings into play the fact that many others we must cooperate with will never even mull certain ideas around in their head. The idea of personal change through time mixes up or stunts the dynamics of it on a macro level. I feel the vulnerability that is felt when psychoanalyzing and the isolation that comes with watching others brush it off; Being the only one taking what is given as it comes and incorporating it into your reality. This is some of the ideas that it provoked from me, whether directly indicated or not. Very intelligent stuff."
Posted by ALBATROSS on "waterfalling" by AniDayz