Comments by All Members

  • "Visually the unraveling of your poem is pleasing. Yet, is felt with a warming sensation that quickly turns into a rope burn as it twists tightly around your heart. It's painful to read and you display it so gracefully, though. Smile for me hotrod :)~ You'll find your footing very soon. I've read this one before but had trouble responding... still it feels as though my words fall flat."
    Posted by blue angel on "'Leaving Hope' behind..." by Peyton1
  • "Thanks for reading FB. A few fresh bottles of 200proof might help a little. Though there probably won't be any more parties....... Thanks again for reading and the comment, see ya....."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "'Leaving Hope' behind..." by Peyton1
  • "Hello mr./miss words_to_life, thanks for the comment and glad you enjoyed it. Sorry I missed this comment till now, but I'm in a depressed state currently. Welcome to our dark valley! Comment often and post a poem soon so we can read. Thanks again, see ya....."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "I don't yet know how deep I will sink into it, but there sure seems to be no way out. Maybe I get engulfed this time....who knows. Serves me right I guess. Thanks for commenting miss Caitlin, see ya....."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "'Leaving Hope' behind..." by Peyton1
  • "I think we all have that one special person, (perhaps our first love) that we wish we could go back to or hope they come back to us, but life and fate usually dictates neither of these wishes to be true. What really makes it bad is when lifes circumstances pulls 2 people apart, and throws them each in different directions, to be never seen again. The pain and regret is real, but above all this, life goes on, and so must we also, or we will miss out on the things that are meant for us."
    Posted by Unknown on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thanks Alchemist, always good to hear from others in the Carolinas! I will check your works as well. I'm around the Hickory area currently. I try to do variety of poems. The hardest thing for me is to keep them somewhat short, they all want to become stories. Thanks for reading and the comment,...."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "I haven't been on DP in a few months but now that I'm back I am happy to see such great new talent. The technique used in this work was flawless and you conveyed your message well. I checked out your profile and noticed you are from NC, I'm from the Raleigh area so it's cool to meet other area poets. Keep up the good work and I will for sure check out some of your other works."
    Posted by Alchemist on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thank you Wolfie, you are very kind with your words. Don't know your situation, but 8 years is a really long time. I can't even go 8 days without pestering my little brother. Thanks again, see ya!"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "I'm going to draw a petition, ha! Once a week, two months per year (three during leap year), we need two days added together without night between them!! Then maybe we can get some of these things done, LOL"
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Why thank you Nett, I greatly appreciate your comments! I haven't been on here too much lately, was working on song lyrics to transform "River" into a Pat Benatar song. I think it turned out well. Never enough time in the day. Thanks for reading my work...."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "I'm in love with heartbreaks for some weired reason... I believe it's when a poet truly becomes a poet. Beautifully written. Bows Michael-"
    Posted by soul_versing on "Cruel Twist of Fate" by Peyton1
  • "Thank you kindly for the nice comment. We have not met, as of yet, but do not fret, or wrinkles you'll get, the mirror they might upset.............. woops, that's not until part 2, not quite ready yet.....stay tuned! And Happy Howl-o-weeeeeeeeen! Thanks for reading me, I shall check your page as well..."
    Posted by Peyton1 on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
  • "i very much enjoyed this piece and not only because i love mirror pieces. i dont believe we have met, i havent been on much lately but ill have to see to reading more of your work, cheers fellow dark poet i hope to see more "
    Posted by poe_lover28 on "Mirror, Mirror, If You Please...." by Peyton1
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