Comments by All Members

  • "ONly the dinosaurs can tell us perhaps? Will we even know when it happens, or will it be a lingering dissolution maybe? Always a good read, thanks Marty."
    Posted by dwells on "Technology" by daiglepoems
  • "anyone who thinks my poem(s) are "awesome" is all right in my book. Think I'll have to check out some of your stuff. Thanks for the comment. dp"
    Posted by daiglepoems on "Technology" by daiglepoems
  • "This is an awesome poem. Fantastic Flow and the truth is more scarier then fiction. Technology will be the death of us one day. ][ ]["
    Posted by Unknown on "Technology" by daiglepoems
  • " My bet is on dying in mediocrity. Technology has evolved while our species is at a stand still, if not retrogressing. The only way I see betterment for our kind is if we lay off the division we place on one another. Splendid piece "
    Posted by Machine Kroh on "Technology" by daiglepoems
  • "thanks for reading. Always great when someone enjoys a piece. Now I must check out some of your stuff."
    Posted by daiglepoems on "The Quest" by daiglepoems
  • "Absolutely love this. It has made me smile, induced some nostalgia and a little sadness because my children are growing with just the 'tools' Thank you so much for sharing."
    Posted by Unknown on "Tools Of Their Toys" by daiglepoems
  • "Damn Daigle, I almost think I precipitated this magnum opus! What a great poem that exudes balance with common sense, while still being true to the mores of societal chaos. In other words - simply marvelous, thanks! "
    Posted by dwells on "The Quest" by daiglepoems
  • "Regrets and "if onlys" are all part of our built-in torture system we call memories. Unless psychopathic, soulless, or completetly amoral. Society has to get that mind right, or pay the price, cheers!"
    Posted by dwells on "If I Only Could Have Had" by daiglepoems
  • "God's messenger arrived at dawn, and all Hell broke loose, planet killer! Well said and we are indeed kindred spirits when it comes to some things, history is on your side indeed. And it comes from the dark of the sun and around the moon!"
    Posted by dwells on "Awaiting Armageddon" by daiglepoems
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