Tools Of Their Toys
By daiglepoems
At some point in his life
a boy becomes a man.
Starts to think about a wife
and things more important than
fun and fascination.
Chasing girls around.
That brand new play station
with digitized sound.
Finds a job that he enjoys
and put his toys away
and forgets it was those toys
that made the man he is today.
With responsibilities.
A family to be fed.
Pins that kill his knees
and problems fill his head.
He works around the clock
while inside he's really wishing
he was down at the dock
with the boys fly fishing.
Maybe next year
I'll go fishing with the boys.
I still got all my gear
in the attic with the toys.
Spend a week at the beach
and if the kids'll listen then
take some time to teach.
Show the boys how the men
handle stormy weather
and fix the roof again.
Prepare to cut the tether.
Time is running thin.
I recall back in the day.
Don't seem that long ago
We'd go outside to play
or gather 'round the stereo.
We had skateboards or scooters
and were always home by dark.
Now it's cell phones and computers.
Family Guy and South Park.
It's like I'm in the stone age.
Kids text in secret code.
Log on to any web page.
Up or download.
They've got it so together
I'm in awe of how the boys
have neutralized the weather
and made tools of their toys.
Comments on "Tools Of Their Toys"
On Monday, April 23, 2012, dwells
(4177) wrote:
All part of the wussification of the modern man, by plan (makes em easier to control). The Stone Age was more fun!
A former member wrote:
Absolutely love this. It has made me smile, induced some nostalgia and a little sadness because my children are growing with just the 'tools' Thank you so much for sharing.
On Sunday, April 22, 2012, daiglepoems
(95) wrote:
thanks for the comment and for reading. glad you enjoyed it