Comments by All Members
- "I know you're just venting...but the last third of this comes across like the mindset of every guy they show on a Discovery Channel "Detectives" or Dr. Stone's "Most Evil" episode that beats and/or kills his wife... "
Posted by TropicalSnowstorm on "I'm Tired Of Shit-For-Brains Sluts" by PaYaSiN
- "I loved this. My feelings are torn; I can't decide if I am disturbed or allured (but of course ironically being disturbed is caused by being allured in most cases but This is very, animalistic in that the hunger is so primal. It's irrational because there is a sense of carelessness but rational because towards the end you put a reason behind your desire. The imagery is extremely vivid. And I see you've used your usual tunnel style that slams into an ending. Very addicting indeed. Passionate, aggresive, and uncompromising :)
Posted by Kaleidoscope_Heart on "Angels Don't Live In This City" by PaYaSiN
- "I love when you comment my work because you pay attention and talk about the things you like. ;p So that puts a good smile on my face, and I'm glad you enjoy the shit that my head makes happen. haha."
Posted by PaYaSiN on "Ice Cream From the Poor" by PaYaSiN
- "You never dissapoint. I love the brutality in entwining raw sex with a mocking reference to religion. There is nothing self conscious about this; which makes it so honest and real. The flow and internal rhyme tunnel nicely into the final word; which is ironic: "Preach." Heh. This put a good smirk on my face."
Posted by Kaleidoscope_Heart on "Ice Cream From the Poor" by PaYaSiN
- ";D Well I've always been drawn to gorgeous girls who say nice things like that. ;p Kinda put me in the position that I'm in now? haha."
Posted by PaYaSiN on "Flirting With Disaster" by PaYaSiN