I'm Tired Of Shit-For-Brains Sluts

By PaYaSiN

I'm not here to beg for
A bone and get
Twenty-two minutes of her time.
This isn't love
So don't call it as such
And we all know she lies
Much too much.
Ignore me and ignore me again
I wish you'd tell me you love me
And I the same back.
Hate can build up inside
But nothing compares to if I
Rip out her jugular vein
And yes I'm aware
That I have a few pairs of my
Own fucking issues.
Screaming out
Fuck my life
All I wanted was a little bit of
Who really knows what goes on in my silly little head?
Maybe I talk to myself
And listen to what myself has
To say
A million words said in
A moment not so suspended in time;
Bridge the gap between us
While I am too busy to notice
Since I'm digging your grave.
Homicide not so much
More like an assisted suicide
Where I aid my stupid
Once loved slut.
Tie her up, mow her down
Electric chair
Fry your brain until all you dream is me.
Love me now
Or come face to face with
Capitol punishment in full force
My knife making love to your face
Tied up, and turn away
But there is no escape from your fate
Life is in my hands
So I'm playing god
Her tears can stain the ground I walk on
Sew her mouth shut
She'll never again make a sound.

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© 2008 PaYaSiN
Published on Wednesday, September 24, 2008.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "I'm Tired Of Shit-For-Brains Sluts"

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  • freudian-slip On Thursday, September 25, 2008, freudian-slip (236)By person wrote:

    shit, I'd hate to be judged based on my writing alone... lol

  • freudian-slip On Thursday, September 25, 2008, freudian-slip (236)By person wrote:

    I like the ongoing thought presentation and no doubt it screams hate.

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 25, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    Thank you. :] I'm actually a really nice person though, probably because of the venting I do through writing. haha.

  • ghost On Wednesday, September 24, 2008, ghost (13)By person wrote:

    they'll never find the bodies...

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 25, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    exactly. ;D

  • TropicalSnowstorm On Wednesday, September 24, 2008, TropicalSnowstorm (1580)By person wrote:

    I know you're just venting...but the last third of this comes across like the mindset of every guy they show on a Discovery Channel "Detectives" or Dr. Stone's "Most Evil" episode that beats and/or kills his wife... Scholar

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 25, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    Meh. I guess you're entitled to your opinions.

  • A former member wrote: I hear some "sluts" are into that.

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 25, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    I guess so, but why is sluts in quotation marks? haha. quoting the title? or making fun of me? :[

  • A former member wrote: The former. I was not making fun of you, but I don't know if what you wrote about would qualify the woman as a "slut". Members of all genders (of all sexual orientations) are guilty of doing this, but I do realize that this is your point of view. I just think it's a bit rash and worrysome.

  • PaYaSiN On Friday, September 26, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    Oh ok. Sorry if I misinterpreted, and I know anyone can be a slut, and my titles don't always reflect the piece, and in this case it was just a thought in my head that became the title. I also do not want to kill every woman, so idk if that is why you said its rash and worrysome, but its not really that extreme. ;]

  • A former member wrote: "I also do not want to kill every woman". This is worrysome, the "every" in that sentence, as well as the poem above. That says to me, "I do not want to kill every woman (but there are a few that I do)."

  • Dancing_Monkey On Wednesday, September 24, 2008, Dancing_Monkey (1228)By person wrote:

    Made me put on Allanis..

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 25, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    I have no idea what Allanis is, so can you explain that. :] thanks.

  • A former member wrote: *fuckin loves this* i desperately gotta get more room for faves, this is so on my list of soon to be's

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 25, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    thanks. :] always appreciated but you know that right? ;p

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