There's Something Fishy About The Person I Call Me

By PaYaSiN

Thinking she's so consistent
In being cute.
The drivel that flows and
Forms art as it comes out of her
Dig deeper into me,
Nails in my back
Rip me apart to discover the
Entirety of the truth;
There is more to who the I am
Than just
Tainted blood is always sweet,
And bitterness tastes like shit in my mouth
Curse my name,
Out to make-believe-heaven
While I'm a thief in the night who
Gently slips away.
Two is far better than one,
But all alone I'm fine;
Myself is better than none.
Poke and prod, bend over
Lay on your back, spread 'em
Reach for the sky,
Let me use you,
All the fuck way up
'Til you reach your breaking point.
Feel worthless, because you're beginning to taste like shit
She who does nothing,
Will never come out to amount to
Envious of your past self
As memories of that life that once was
Permeate an inanimate corpse.
Go ahead and bow to your savior
He who made you the way you are,
Lost and broken with no humility in those sweet honey like eyes;
Twinkle twinkle burn out star,
Something bigger than this; us
Dustpiled and out of time
Time for this fairy tale called life
To end.

Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
© 2008 PaYaSiN
Published on Thursday, September 4, 2008.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "There's Something Fishy About The Person I Call Me"

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  • A former member wrote: twinkle twink;e burn out star, perfect.

  • Spiritus_Frumenti On Thursday, September 4, 2008, Spiritus_Frumenti (340)By person wrote:

    wow...i used the word 'wretched' already in the previous poem but this was really wretched! this was bitter friend...-l-

  • PaYaSiN On Thursday, September 4, 2008, PaYaSiN (49)By person wrote:

    Haha. Thank you. :]

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