Comments by All Members
- "All the reasons for my depression dissapeared, but it remained. Though you have yet to experiment with ideas and thoughts and concepts. I like your style. Reminds me of me at 16. Frustrated and longing for a reason behind all this pain......:( another frowny cause smileys are too used."
Posted by Unknown on "i don't know" by totaltrip
- "One summer evening drunk as hell I left there nearly lifeless. An old man in the corner sang where the water lillies grow, blah blah blah, and I thought about a pair of brown eyes. That waited once for me. Where his brown eyes were waiting. -Close approximation of the Pogues."
Posted by Unknown on "That girl." by totaltrip
- "fully agree with the capt. irony is, though it is a proclamation of an un-ode, you still seem consumed. i hope you find some peace. excellent and reflective. well thought."
Posted by Bella Butchery on "Un-ode to him" by totaltrip
- "jesus our savior or a lousy boyfriend ... this spit out like a sewerhole .. and still recieved ... the total give away ... "endlessly tragic" ... great piece - funguy
Posted by capt_funguy on "Un-ode to him" by totaltrip
- "as a one liner I'd say it's very flattering the the man/woman to whom you wrote it...though it is a simple poem I'd say it contains more than one would originally think...given some thought...I'd say it's very romantic"
Posted by Unknown on "You" by totaltrip
- "Interesting. The repetition of words makes a great way of showing importance. I like the simplicity of this write. Very nice. =)"
Posted by Err0r on "That girl." by totaltrip
- "hmmmm now that is a predicament. i am quite comfy knowing I know not... as the Socratic edict goes... perhaps knowing that one knows that one does not know is the most important base upon which to figure out what it is one wants and should do."
Posted by Unknown on "i don't know" by totaltrip
- "I know that girl, haven't seen her for awhile... my brown-eyed girl... when unsmiling eyes crown her flawless teeth"
Posted by Unknown on "That girl." by totaltrip
- ""the smile that makes it easy"... i know that smile all to well. *sigh* i see my own in those big brown eyes of yours."
Posted by Unknown on "That girl." by totaltrip
- "Wow... this told me things that I myself have been feeling. Amazing write. I myself could never express this the way that you did. Good job. ~*~Tart~*~"
Posted by Kinkypoptart on "Mine" by totaltrip
- "blackpool tower? sounds bout the tiny tower? or is this not a place for generic ego comments? ;)"
Posted by Solace on "You" by totaltrip