Oh joy, Oh rapture, You now have the priveledge to wander through the twisted funhouse maze of my mind. *turns and whispers towards her shoulder "sshhh, they will think we are crazy"* Describe me....well...I work very hard to keep my intellect concealed behind a well built facade of normality. Occasionally the tangled vines of sarcasm sweep out and snare those curious ones who venture close to me. As for my style, now that is as ever changing as my mood. One moment you could find yourself wandering through a lovely fairytale surrounded by warm and fuzzy thoughts and in a single breath be transported to a swampish cemetary looking over your shoulder for things that go bump in the night. Enjoyment is based purely on perception of course. It would be safe to say that first impressions would merely scratch the surface of all that embodies me. All are welcome to explore my shifting visions.