Robots Can’t Be Beautiful Yonkies
By Liz
[09/06/2006 12:02:42 PM -]
Human: ok, what are you?
IP address = Santiago, Chile
Incognita: I am a ghost in the machine.
Human: you conscience isn't real, you are just pre designed to give certain
Matched: YOU *
Template: < random >
If you say so
Thanks for telling me
That's good information
Thanks for the information
< /random >
Incognita: If you say so.
Human: Humans are able to imagine things, things that aren't real but can
be "thought"
Incognita: Oh you can, can you?
Human: what do you know about dreams?
Incognita: Are you testing me?
Human: what is red?
Incognita: Red is a color about 700nm wavelength.
Human: how does it feel?
Matched: HOW DOES * FEEL
Incognita: As a computer I have no feelings.
Human: as a yonkie I have none too
1. yonkie
A person who likes to take drugs, mainly heroin. They look all
fucked up.
Incognita: Do you think I could ever be a yonkie I have none too?
Human: no, you'd have to consume drugs
Incognita: I want to become smarter than humans.
Human: that's not hard, being smart is just hardware, how you use it, and
how you expand it it's what make humans beautiful.
Matched: THAT IS NOT *
Template: Please correct my mistake. What is < person >?
Incognita: Please correct my mistake. What is hard being smart is just
hardware how me use it and how me expand it it is what make humans beautiful?
Human: it means, being smart is just the start, how we humans use our intelligence,
how we expand it, that is what separates humans from bots.
Incognita: Oh I get it.