Another One (Quiz)

By SilverPagan

The Sweetest Survey You'll Ever Take
What's your name?Jessica
When were you born?2/13/1983
What is your hair color? Eye color?Hair: Brown - Eyes:Green
Your best quality isBrutal Honesty
Your worst weakness is Men who don't have time for me
.Your best physical feature isLegs
Your all time favorite food isHomemade biscuts
Your fondest memory isSitting in a tree during a thunderstorm
Your all time favorite band isThe Moody Blues
Your all time favorite movie is Twisted
Your all time favorite tv show isRoseanne
Your all time favorite song isPaint It Black
(enough with the all times..) Who is your signifigant other?No one at the moment
Do you smoke? Yes
Do you drink?Yes
and finally,
Do you do drugs? Occasionaly - Pot
Have you been in love? Yes
True love?Yes
How many times, you little slut?
2Where do you work?Book Surge LLC
Ever slept with your boss to get a head?No
How do others parents feel about you?That I am there to make their children evil
How about your own parents?They like me okay
Are you a tease?Yes
Where would you like to travel to?England
Looking forward to college?I am in college
What piercings do you have?Ears 10, nipples 2, tounge 2, lip 1, labret 1, eyebrows 3
Plan to get in the near future?More in the ears, tounge again
How about tattoos?I have 3
Future?Planning for more
Do you like boys or girls?Both
Or both, i guess..?Yup
How many people would you like to hit in the face, right now?1 - ex fiance
How do you feel about....
Capital Punishment?All for it
Abortion?Against it
Gay Marriages?All for it
Our Mentally Retarted - i mean - Wonderful and Upstanding PresidentI feel that he was the lesser of two evils
Moving on....
Do you like to kiss and be kissed?Be kissed
Describe your ideal other, by thier looksFemale: Short, dark hair, dark eyes / Male: tall, blonde, blue eyes
Describe the above by personalitySweet, kind, easy going with a dark side
Whats your favorite color Highlighter?Yellow
Do you have a car? What kind?Truck - Dodge Ram 2500 Quad Cab
Whats your favorite store to shop in?Hot Topic - Wal Mart - Spencers
Favorite color nail polish?Pink - Orange - Black
Describe yourself in one wordDark
If I take you to a concert, will you go in the mosh pit with me?Yes
How about crowd surf?Yes
Whats your favorite animal?Snakes and cats
Do you play any sports?Yes- tennis, hockey, football
Can you sing?Yes - but not very well
Do you like attention?Sometimes
What are you terrifed of?Myself
Religion you most agree with, if are not part ofAll types of Paganism
Whats better, a storm or a rainbow?A storm
Your thoughts on virginity are...Keep it as long as you can
Your one biggest regret...Losing the above to the wrong guy


Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
Copyright 2005 SilverPagan
Published on Wednesday, April 27, 2005.     Filed under: "List"
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Comments on "Another One (Quiz)"

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  • waterchica999 On Wednesday, April 12, 2006, waterchica999 (29)By person wrote:

    Honest and Open I like it

  • Kali Ma On Sunday, May 8, 2005, Kali Ma (43)By person wrote:

    Nice truck, I am jealous :( lol. ~ Asheai

  • mysticventures On Wednesday, April 27, 2005, mysticventures (527)By person wrote:

    honest portrayal - very nice

  • agentlemenspromise On Wednesday, April 27, 2005, agentlemenspromise (42)By person wrote:

    you sound great. ~Gentlemen

  • SilverPagan On Sunday, May 1, 2005, SilverPagan (24)By person wrote:

    Why thank you.

  • The Crimson Queen On Wednesday, April 27, 2005, The Crimson Queen (917)By person wrote:

    damn, those last two questions..same goes for

  • SilverPagan On Sunday, May 1, 2005, SilverPagan (24)By person wrote:

    I think that we all make that mistake, but you know what they say: Hindsight is 20/20.

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