Help Me!!... It taunts again...
By Cutting_for_Freedom
It shines
It taunts
I must over come
I can't too weak
It's cold
It's sharp
I will make it
No, I won't
A tear falls
It shines more
Ever so taunting
I can't take it anymore!
She screams
She cries
Slowly and ever so carefully
She picks up the knife...
Back in the drawer it goes
The drawer with the lock
Till the battle continues next time
She escaped with out a mark, not even a scratch
But the war is never over
She will stay strong
Carry on
The knife
No longer her answer to everything
With the knife locked away
Hopefully for good
She cries hersef silently to sleep.
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Copyright 2005 Cutting_for_Freedom
Published on Wednesday, January 26, 2005.
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Comments on "Help Me!!... It taunts again..."
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On Monday, September 13, 2021, Britt Daigneault
(6) wrote:
Oh how much I can relate to this..... But to put it away is such a great accomplishment, one I may never know about... Good for you..... Great work too.....
A former member wrote:
Something very similar to this happened to me... sadly, I lost the fight. Brought back memories... ~Silver~
A former member wrote:
On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, K_Love
(525) wrote:
Yes,I have faith in you that you will find a better way to deal with things than cutting, I agree the ending was a surprise and I'm proud that you've chosen to stop cutting. Wonderful write, and if ever a craving kicks in, just DP mail me :)
On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, Cutting_for_Freedom
(34) wrote:
Thank you all for the lovly comments. It is hard to stop. But I am, and it's the best thing i have ever done.
On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, The Crimson Queen
(917) wrote:
as an ex cutter i know kicking the habit is hard but good luck....its truely the best thing you'll ever do for yourself...great was one of few that dont end in bloodshed..~AoD
A former member wrote:
this was good im glad it had a good outcome i usually dont like cutting poems cuz they usually all end up sad or the same thing over and over nicely written
On Wednesday, January 26, 2005, stormtalk
(727) wrote:
Congratulations on kicking the habit; I know it can be a difficult one to kick, but you have my praise and respect for every moment you continue to resist it. I'm happy this poem didn't end as I guessed it would from the beginning.