Incredible Cliche

By Im_going_to_cry_now

I wish I could start this story off with a bang, some glimpse of a bleak future that I could flashback from, or this profound foreshadowy thing, a sort of best of times/ worst of times thing. but I can't, and even if I could it wouldn't be right. The truth is it just started with a sad lonely girl crying in her room.
and I can't say why she cried, she had never told us. But I knew on some subconscious level that some heartless person had been too careless with words and had produced the salty water that ran now down her cheek.
and I can't say how many times it happened before.It was a number that God himself would have to count on his fingers. Someone would say the wrong thing and her happiness would shatter like a bowl dropped from the side of the Grand Canyon.
There isn't much I can say at all, but I can say that it was the last time. Because she took her razor and dragged it across her wrists. And her tears became tiny drops in a sea of blood.
I wisjh I could end this with a bang, some triumph over evil or a happily ever after.More than anything I wish I could use one of those endings where everything just keeps going, same as it was before, but I can't, it just ended with a sad lonely girl crying in her room, who decided she hated her life.

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Copyright 2004 Im_going_to_cry_now
Published on Saturday, December 4, 2004.     Filed under: "Short Story"
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Comments on "Incredible Cliche"

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  • Im_going_to_cry_now On Monday, February 7, 2005, Im_going_to_cry_now (24)By person wrote:

    He's got a point there has do be something really wrong in your life for you to go to that extreme don't judge someone until you've been there

  • Lord Kalgalath On Sunday, February 6, 2005, Lord Kalgalath (182)By person wrote:

    +looks at Elises comment and sighs+ Unless you have been to the point that nothing was stopping you from opening a vien to end the pain You have no call to say that, it looks that way from the outside yes. But have you ever thought how terrible the pain w

  • Six-Out On Sunday, February 6, 2005, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    I've been there, so I'll say it. Suicide is the pussy's way out.

  • A former member wrote: suicide is only cowardly to those who arent strong enough to end the pain.

  • Six-Out On Saturday, May 7, 2011, Six-Out (1423)By person wrote:

    And you're only stupid to those who can read and write.

  • Doll Eyes On Saturday, July 9, 2011, Doll Eyes (123)By person wrote:

    I think you're wrong. I also think that it's incredibly selfish to try to keep someone on this world if they don't want to be here. Suicide isn't for pussies. If you see a cancer patient crying in her hospital room, do you tell her to suck it up? I'd hope not. It's the same thing here. Just a metaphorical cancer that some people are strong enough to find the chemo for.

  • Lord Kalgalath On Sunday, February 6, 2005, Lord Kalgalath (182)By person wrote:

    Ok now that I have said that, Great work, though suicide is never really a pleasant subject.

  • Lord Kalgalath On Sunday, February 6, 2005, Lord Kalgalath (182)By person wrote:

    would have to be to completely override your will to live? To drive you to the point that not only do you no linger have the will to live, but in fact have the will to die, to take your own life, something that our very nature screams against.

  • The Crimson Queen On Saturday, January 15, 2005, The Crimson Queen (917)By person wrote:

    terribly sad...i've been there before...~A

  • stormtalk On Sunday, January 9, 2005, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    Cheer up, mate. It's never so bad, once you get to know it better.

  • Elise On Tuesday, December 28, 2004, Elise (187)By person wrote:

    Sad story, if only she knew suicide was the pussy's way out of things and hurts others more than it would've hurt her..and theres no going back...

  • Im_going_to_cry_now On Sunday, December 5, 2004, Im_going_to_cry_now (24)By person wrote:

    thank you

  • Im_going_to_cry_now On Saturday, December 4, 2004, Im_going_to_cry_now (24)By person wrote:

    I appreciate the gesture, but I am not suicidal, and I am also a male, and I realize that this is cliche, but I like it, also, thanls for complimenting my writing style

  • VenomPlease On Saturday, December 4, 2004, VenomPlease (134)By person wrote:

    Fuck cliche. You write about whatever you want to write about as long as it keeps you from doing whatever it is you say you want to do. Everyone feels this way, just let it out. As long as it's real thats all that matters.

  • Twilight On Saturday, December 4, 2004, Twilight (1782)By person wrote:

    just trying to help her grow as a writer. she wont grow if she is convinced that this is as good as it gets. no one told her not to write it...:D

  • Twilight On Saturday, December 4, 2004, Twilight (1782)By person wrote:


  • A former member wrote: writting about suicide is so cliché that the poem has to be really good to be fully appreciated by artist or intellects. other than that you're writting style is pretty good.

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