Her Name...

By Dayer

Another sunset, another day gone by
And she wonders why she's holding on
To life...it's such a lie
Looking for love in all the wrong faces
Finding security in the cage of her pain
And the scars of yesterday

What the hell were they thinking
When they tore her down?
Stripped away all that was pure
All that remained of an innocence once known
They left her there to bleed,
Stained by the bitter black of their hate

And of all that's left
Her name remains the same
Still unbroken by the will of a cruel world
She screams out for one to love her
One who'd die to change the past
And will fight to change tomorrow
One who loves her for who she is
Not who they think she should be

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Copyright 2004 D. Mackenzie
Published on Monday, September 6, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Her Name..."

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  • A former member wrote: beautiful truly amazing write! i love it

  • asailorsangel On Thursday, September 9, 2004, asailorsangel (34)By person wrote:

    The endless search I can feel these words in the pit of my being...I agree very good message. ~ASA~

  • lordshadow On Tuesday, September 7, 2004, lordshadow (153)By person wrote:

    The only thing that's constant is our name, and the desire to be loved by someone else... good message and very well written.

  • Dayer On Tuesday, September 7, 2004, Dayer (162)By person wrote:

    thanks hun :) ~*~Dawn~*~

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