The Outsider

By Soulseeker

I am hanging on your words.
I am soaking them in.
You call out flaws.
You point fingers,
still, I am soaking it in.
You live to drench my life in a cloak of anger,
but I see through your intentions.
I will not fall.
You will never recieve that gratification.
There will be no tears here.
I do not care that I am different.
I do not care that I stay home on Fridays to read.
I do not care that I make my bed every morning.
I just do not give a fuck about "fitting in."
I have better things to consume my time.
I choose to be this way and I alone can choose to change.
You are simply confused.
I am simply enlightened.
I will shed my wisdom,
maybe then you can escape.
I would rather be the outsider
who is looking in,
than the insider
who can't get out.
What consumes your brain besides
Who's doing what,
or the "crazy party" on Friday I will predicatably miss,
or the new drug of choice
that will kill the rest of your brain cells?
You will never be in the outsider's vicinity,
you will never experience beauty.
Why the hell do you waste your time?
I am the enlightened outsider
You are the conformed insider.
Who holds power here?

Unauthorized Copying Is Prohibited. Ask the author first.
Copyright 2004 Soulseeker
Published on Thursday, August 12, 2004.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "The Outsider"

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  • A former member wrote: i love your work in this my honest favorite line is id rather be the outsider looking in than the insider that cant get out.....awesome job i love this

  • timekop On Sunday, July 12, 2009, timekop (15)By person wrote:

    Why can't I give this poem a rating? This poem is like an unspoken dialog between two people with opposite personalites that attend high school together. It's sublime and captures a collective unconscios.

  • italianbella On Wednesday, December 26, 2007, italianbella (183)By person wrote:

    breathtakingly beautiful write you are a amazing writer thank you so much for sharing:)

  • A former member wrote: I like that

  • Mr King On Thursday, October 21, 2004, Mr King (547)By person wrote:

    I was once an outsider, but now find myself as becoming one with everyone... the ultimate form of insider... wondering where you went... seeking those with soul I suppose... 1, Seth

  • Mr King On Friday, August 20, 2004, Mr King (547)By person wrote:

    powerful and beautiful... i like the space of which you occupy as "enlightened outsider"... i can relate to this piece... 1LOVE, Seth

  • sixsixnine On Tuesday, August 17, 2004, sixsixnine (476)By person wrote:

    I would rather be the outsider who is looking in, than the insider who can't get out. is my favorite verse.. thanx for sharring *669*

  • A former member wrote: Who holds power here? YOU DO. The universe begins with (and ends with) you. Your mind, & heart & soul is all you've got. Use 'em well, or lose 'em all.

  • DarkWolf On Saturday, August 14, 2004, DarkWolf (415)By person wrote:

    I can get inside (or rather outside) this one. Very well done. I really understand this thought and feeling. Thank you for sharing it. -Michael

  • mysticventures On Saturday, August 14, 2004, mysticventures (527)By person wrote:

    well worded - well put - well written

  • Northstar On Saturday, August 14, 2004, Northstar (374)By person wrote:

    I remember a time when I could really relate to this piece--nicely done

  • purr_verse On Friday, August 13, 2004, purr_verse (1053)By person wrote:

    "I do not care that I stay home on Fridays to read." - i smiled a lot at this line. enjoyed this write very much; the opening is also very strong and immediately pulled me in. :) damn fine.

  • capt_funguy On Friday, August 13, 2004, capt_funguy (777)By person wrote:

    congratulations ! ... you've just undergone a creativity audit by the bureau of self importance ... anyway ,,,, dig the defiance throughout this very cool piece of work ... funguy

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    She requested my comments, goblinfucker. But wait, you're right - why would anyone want to help someone else write better, except to make themselves feel important? God, I'm so fucking selfish. I sure wish someone like you would teach me otherwise.

  • capt_funguy On Saturday, August 14, 2004, capt_funguy (777)By person wrote:

    ok chuckles ...i'll learn you something .. limp wristed sarcasm , and strategic sincerity will get you beaten up in the subway , and laughed at afterwards ... i wouldve expected you to know that already ... goblinfucker

  • stormtalk On Saturday, August 14, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    A lot of things will get you beaten up in the subway that shouldn't. I don't see what the fuck that has to do with commenting on someone's poem. Care to explain? Or are you just dodging the fact that I made you look like the total assfuck you are?

  • capt_funguy On Saturday, August 14, 2004, capt_funguy (777)By person wrote:

    care to explain? ... sure ... i am saying that the nine guys who kicked your ass in that subway situation ( as you described in ... rage , the fire inside ) were probabably poets who saw through you , and beat you down for crimes against sincerity ...

  • stormtalk On Monday, August 16, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    You wanna help me out? Go fuck a blender.

  • stormtalk On Monday, August 16, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    I would call you a retard, but I would be offending retards. Gee, you're right, telling my friend she has a sexy body and blowing kisses to my girlfriend is truly poetic. If you were here, I would kick you in the ribs just for being such a stupid cock.

  • capt_funguy On Saturday, August 14, 2004, capt_funguy (777)By person wrote:

    and somehow , despite their efforts , you still haven't learned anything .... i'm trying to help you man .... assfuck

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    Okay, time for lots of comments, so I'll refer to lines by number :) 1-5: nice rhythm, it sounds almost musical. 6-7: I would replace "drench" with a verb to match a cloak better, but you did a good job of re-wording the lines to make them work together.

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    8-10: Rock on with not giving the bastards the gratification of tears. Tears are interesting... there's such conflicted symbolism in them. Anyway... 11-13: Fridays, not Fridays. Also, I think you do care - you just don't think it's bad! And I love that.

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    14-16: I like how "choose to change" sounds - it has a nice ring to it. For these three lines, I think you could find more unique ways to say them. It's talented of you to describe ways that many people feel and don't always verbalize -

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    but if you can combine that with a unique way of phrasing it, you'll make the rest of DP jealous from all the books you'll be selling. 17-18: Simpleless rocks my socks. 19-20: Confused me a bit. 21-25: Fucking awesome. Incredible work on these lines.

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    26-30: My guess is not much, unfortunately. Some people grow up; others don't... hopefully, more of these poor fools will grow up than not. 31-32: I know exactly how you feel... but be careful with your words here:

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    So... now that I wrote you a page of comments... all I have left to say is, good work!

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    Overall - good work, and huge improvement from the last I read (not that that wasn't a good poem as well). Your ideas are just as great as they've always been, but your structure and your processing of your thoughts are both improving visibly.

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    36: This line is interesting. Where does power come from? Are you truly concerned with holding the power, are you proud of it, are you worried that maybe you don't, in fact, hold the power? Or that you're missing out on something?

  • stormtalk On Friday, August 13, 2004, stormtalk (727)By person wrote:

    Do you want to say that these people have no hope of reform and that they will *never* experience beauty, or do you want to say that *as long as they remain that way* they never will? 34-35: I agree with the first two lines.

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