"Hey..." "...hi"
By The Guardian Angel
. . .
That's probably not the way to go...
Trying to make up the past with a simple hello.
I hate to be cliche, you know this to be true
After all this time, I'm still thinking about you.
Not that way though, I realize we're done
So I'll just take these emotions of mine and run
We've been reborn, our lives started anew
Yet our hearts are still as fragile as the morning dew.
You're with him.
I'm with me.
No longer are we
A big happy family.
I can't help but wonder though, why I still ponder
Could there have been something if we didn't squander?
Was there something to this all?
Our initials dug deep into the gym wall?
I can only sigh, and wipe the tear from my eye
Remembering the day you said goodbye
I'll never forget you, even though I said I would
Because we both know for sure, neither one of us could.
So do I say hey, or do I say hi?
Or what do I say to not make you cry?
What do I say, to make you believe
That now, I no longer grieve.
. . .
Author's Note:
If you still read my poems, then know I'm building up the courage to talk to you one day...Comments on ""Hey..." "...hi""
A former member wrote:
I went through so many different emotions while reading this poem, and all I could do was hug myself after I was done. Beautifully written poem.
On Monday, November 17, 2014, dwells
(4177) wrote:
I'm not convinced and it will never be over, but likely finished nonetheless. We change and move on, and occasionally give a quick look back and call it history; who can say why? It takes two...
On Monday, November 17, 2014, soul_versing
(774) wrote:
You definitely made my heart weep. Aww, I'm all teary eyed now. :'( beautifully written.