Tree of Life

By cadymae

The roots of your soul are where?
Parentage? Heritage? Geography?
Time-anchored to an era?

All combining to make a distinctive "soul-print"

like webbing of a root system
or inter-laced leaves in treetops
or snarl of veins that pump your blood

Pulsing with life-giving sap, blood, water

Wouldn't the fractaling repeat on the other planes too?

The interlacing of souls in your network of friends
the harmonies of voices in chorus

Even the prayers that rise to that many-faced God
we all worship at the very end
pleading for one last moment in our flesh,
bleating in a myriad of languages,
                                         if spoken at all, 
but all transmitting the same wish
"More Life, please!"

More life-giving sap, blood, water,
(does devotion count too?)

That which makes us quick not dead,
pulsates with its force.

Can you feel the thrum,

sustaining your soul-roots?


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Copyright 2013 cadymae
Published on Thursday, February 7, 2013.     Filed under: "Poetry"
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Comments on "Tree of Life"

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  • carlosjackal On Friday, January 19, 2018, carlosjackal (2787)By person wrote:

    Oh, how this sings.

  • FadedBlues On Thursday, February 7, 2013, FadedBlues (2096)By person wrote:

    ...this is fascinating, the soul has places to go, but the flesh wants to keep it imprisoned...

  • dwells On Thursday, February 7, 2013, dwells (4177)By person wrote:

    A fine argument presented logically as well as poetically, to prove that there has to be a Creator, couldn't agree more, kudos!

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