By cadymae
What is it about late middle age
That costs ladies the lower half of their pants?
Why do individuals herd together
Only to yell about their differences?
Why do we rewrite history to gloss over our flaws?
Cannot we wonder, resolve and then improve?
Why must every generation only reap improvements in
the technical but not spiritual?
Not only God is dead, so is culture
and every generation is less well off now.
Cresting the bell curve en mass, we decline together.
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Copyright 2013 cadymae
Published on Monday, January 7, 2013.
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On Friday, January 19, 2018, carlosjackal
(2788) wrote:
I hear your cry. You define with such talent making it seem so effortless when it is anything but.
On Monday, January 7, 2013, FadedBlues
(2096) wrote:
...philosophers are aware of the sad state of mankind, poets grieve for it...
On Monday, January 7, 2013, dwells
(4177) wrote:
Toreador pants and empire waists - get used to it, the universe is expanding, but not our brains, and our faith shrinks from inattention and false gods - cheers!