Didnt Get to Say Good-Bye Mommy
By Little_Zombie
I didn't get to say good-bye to you mommy.
You all ready had lefted for work that morning.
I didn't even brother to text you a simple "I'm off to school".
So you could text back "Be safe and have a nice day".
Oh mommy why didn't I do that?
Why didn't I just ditch school that day
Why did I have to be such a goody-two shoes
Why couldn't I have gotten sick?
I wish I had seen it coming
But I didn't.
I wish I had know him.
Maybe I could have been his friend.
Talk him out of it.
Maybe that was all he need
A Friend.
He brought a gun to school
Why didn't they cheeck his backpack?
Oh Mommy why?
I had so much going for me
He ended all that
I never even knew his name.
Why did I have to die for nothing.
Why couldn't he had some compassion?
Oh mommy can you tell me why?
Why I had to go to school today
Why did they have to tease him to the breaking point?
Why did I have to in that congregation of people?
Why oh mommy
Why did he have to kill all those people.
Why did the bullet have to hit me?
Why wasn't I one of the lucky ones?
As I lay here dieing those thoughts run through my head
As I take my last breath
My only regret was that I didn't tell you
I Love You.
Comments on "Didnt Get to Say Good-Bye Mommy "
On Saturday, February 8, 2014, Lux
(280) wrote:
I got the creepy shivers from this. Death of a child is never a good thing, and especially in a school. The fact that these could have been the last thoughts of students in real life situations sends more chills down my spine... Something to ponder... Yes.
A former member wrote:
*Tears* But Awesome Work!!
On Wednesday, March 14, 2012, darkness falls
(73) wrote:
This brings tears to my eyes...
On Tuesday, March 13, 2012, dwells
(4177) wrote:
Interesting and profound from the victim's point of view. Sadly stated and sorrowful, thanks.
A former member wrote:
Thank you for sharing. Well thought out and terrifying glimpse in the mind of a victim at an unexpected end.
On Tuesday, March 13, 2012, Cant walk away
(30) wrote:
Wow! A very strong and touching poem. Thank you for sharing this with us. Hope to see more from you.
On Tuesday, March 13, 2012, Devilish
(2633) wrote:
awe... hugs..